
津山市加茂町 · 农家乐 · 3室2床1.0卫 · 可住9人 · 美丽的乡村艺术家之家

津山市加茂町 · 农家乐 · 3室2床1.0卫 · 可住9人

津山市加茂町农家乐3室2床1.0卫可住9人 · 美丽的乡村艺术家之家

5.0分 · 269条评论
房东:Yuka330 条评价 · 已通过身份认证 · 超赞房东

距离京都、大阪和奈良仅3小时车程。 您可以看到日本市区完全不同的方面。 绿色的山脉,清澈的河流,萤火虫,许多星星,稻田,蔬菜田。 这栋房子很漂亮。 我们还有好邻居。 您将看到旅游指南中未写明的真正的日本乡村。 房间周围环绕着我父亲和我的艺术品。 宽敞的厨房、客厅和花园都是您的。 请在舒适的房源尽情享受和放松。 欢迎来到位于风景优美的鸭镇的迷人度假屋UJITEI。 我们的出租房屋提供独特而正宗的日式体验,设有浴室、厨房、卧室、卫生间和宽敞的花园供您享用。 我们的房子内部装饰着房东Toshi制作的美丽艺术品,包括樱花地板和木桌以及石膏墙。 在UJITEI ,您可以逃离喧嚣的城市生活,沉浸在鸭镇的自然美景中。 在这里,您可以与家人、朋友或亲朋好友共度美好时光,共度美好时光。 我们舒适的房间和温馨的氛围使UJITEI成为寻求宁静放松度假的旅行者的完美目的地。 在鸭镇,您可以体验正宗的日本乡村生活方式,沉浸在当地文化中。 我们友好的邻居很乐意与游客聊天,分享他们的故事,我们建议您与我们一起喝茶,在外面聊天。 您还可以参加农场工作,了解水稻田文化,也可以骑自行车探索这座小镇,探索沿途隐藏的瑰宝。 在UJITEI ,我们的目标是为房客打造一个家外之家。 我们欢迎来自世界各地的旅行者,并竭尽全力为您带来舒适愉快的住宿体验。 马上预订UJITEI住宿,体验日本最棒的乡村待客之道。 距离京都、大阪和奈良仅3小时车程! ! UJITEI位于日本冈山乡村 我们的居民镇约有5000人。 当我们开始度假屋UJITIE时,我们的小镇上没有外国旅行者。 但现在,我们每年有来自世界各地的200多位房客。 ---关于AREA ---------它位于冈山北省。 这是一个美丽的乡村。 它被称为「阳光之乡,冈山」 这就是为什么我们没有太多雨天。 现场有两间房源。 一间是我父母的房子。 没有人使用其他房子。 因此,您可以使用该房源作为您的房源。 房子四周是我父亲的艺术品。 他当农民,制作艺术品。 每件艺术品都对大自然和生活有着深刻的概念。 您可以喝酒,与他交谈。 我们的小镇有许多山脉、河流和水稻田。 每个季节都很漂亮。 房源附近没有很多房子。 所以您可以放松身心,享受您的假期! 房子附近有一条美丽干净的河流。 您可以在河里游泳。 此外,您还可以在6月份看到萤火虫和许多星星。 春天,您可以观赏Cherry blossoms。 在夏季,您可以看到萤火虫、甲虫和美丽的星星。 秋天,您可以看到山的红叶。 冬天,您可以看到雪。 我们有家庭稻田, 如果您想体验水稻种植和烹饪,可以。(这取决于您何时来) 我们还有一个花园,您可以使用它并尽量食用新鲜蔬菜。 这是免费的。 我们希望分享我们在乡村的正常生活。 日本乡村非常美丽。 我们的生活是天生所造的。 我们很乐意与您分享。 ----- 最近的车站----- JR Mimasaka Kamo车站。 从冈山机场前来需要一个半小时 从大阪乘坐公交车前往津山市需要两个半小时。 从京都搭乘巴士从京都到津山市需要三个小时。 从冈山站出发,乘坐火车需要一个半小时。 从Tsuyama站乘火车或汽车需要30分钟。 我们镇上有温泉。 距离房源仅2公里。 超市、网球外套和运动场距离我们的房子也很近。 步行前往最近的寺庙需要5分钟。 10分钟即可到达美丽的瀑布。 -----空 调----- •三间卧室-一间地板。 两间卧室可供榻榻米,最多可入住6人,日式风格「日式床垫」。 •一个厕所-非常干净的厕所。 •一间宽敞的淋浴间。 •非常好的厨房,配备您所需的一切,包括冰箱、烹饪炉灶、炉灶、洗碗机和碗碟。 •一间配有柴炉的大型起居室。 从那扇大窗户可以看到那座美丽的山。 •宽敞的花园-您可以享用咖啡厅放松身心。 •免费网路。 【文化体验】 ・Ikebana (插头) 3500日元/2-3小时 我们一起去山上,捡着天然花卉。 您可以学习如何将花朵整理成花瓶。 ・Shodo (书法) 3500日元/2-3小时 您将了解中文字符的来源。 您可以绘制简单的汉字。 我们用Chiese人物制作您的名字并绘制。 -



很棒的一次体验!回来的那一刻就开始计划第二次再出发。 很喜欢奶奶👵热情款待,陪我们逛了一天小镇,下次一定要喝一下奶奶泡的茶。 我们入住的是一座百年独栋别墅,奶奶就是出生在这里的,很规整的9间屋。爷爷设计的很现代,很多木雕艺术品,窗外是稻田和蓝天白云,一到晚上各种虫鸣声汇集成一曲小夜曲,相当美妙。奶奶说来的我们是她接待的第二波中国人。他很喜欢中国,茶道,花道。小镇很安静,很有幸去了爷爷朋友的家,尤其是参观了柴窑。 期待下次!


We loved every minute of our stay here. Truly a peaceful countryside oasis. Such a hidden gem and will constantly remind you of what makes Japan unique. Taeka greeted us with a big smile the moment we step foot in the lovely town of Kamo. Taeka and Toshi's made sure we are comfortable and enjoyed our stay and even gave us a ride on on our way back to the house. You can see the love, exceptional care and deep pride they have for their lovely home - filled with beautiful art. We are grateful for the kindness, hospitality, generosity and always aiming to go the extra mile. Locals are very friendly. Nearby shrine in the forest makes the scenes of Totoro comes alive and stopping by a cake shop - Kishimoto to buy some sweets is a highlight for us. The river is gorgeous to just stare and watch the world go by. We get to experience, albeit rather a glimpse of what it's like to be in a Japanese countryside. One of our very memorable family trips for sure. Thank you so much Ujitei!


A truly wonderful and peaceful family farm. Yuka’s Mother Taeka greeted us and at once we felt like long missed friends! The house while modern has a warmth that relaxes you upon entry. The view from the family room window is spectacular. And then there is the small town of Kamo, with its friendly Mom and Pop style restaurants and bakeries- whose owners had the same friendly sincerity as Taeka. While we were there at the end of winter the opportunity to hike/walk the local area was still very pleasant without having to wear multiple layers. This is the place to experience Japan outside of throngs of tourist in a remote, easily accessible - but in no way isolated setting.


My boyfriend and I stayed 3 weeks in Ujitei. It’s a great location to experience traditional and rural Japan ! Taeka and Toshi were very welcoming and so nice ! 🥰 They live next to the house and whenever we needed help for anything, they were always available and helpful ! We had some tea time and dinners together, it was very interesting to talk about Japanese culture ! They were really generous with us. Always happy to share about their culture. We did calligraphy, a mini tea ceremony, we learned itegami (drawing)… we felt part of the community ☺️ The house is big and full with beautiful wooden sculptures made by Toshi. Each of them has a nice story! The view on the mountain is amazing !


Our 2nd short stay since 2019, we still feel very precious to be back to this beautiful countryside <3 This time is extra special as we celebrated New Year together at the local shrine. Everything is as natural & healing - the sophisticated wooden artwork, homey interior and all the laughter between us. Much love send to the Uji Family😊

查看全部 269 条评价


日本, 冈山县, 津山市加茂町






330 条评价


Hello, My name is Yuka. We have 2 property and we help your trip with our family, my father and mother and my husband. My father is an artist, painter, and sculpture. My mother likes kimono, ikebana and Japanese calligraphy. I and my husband are designers. We have own shop and brand the name is Antamina. We had stayed and traveled to many countries before. We are very pleased to meet nice guests from various many countries and enjoy hosting very much. We hope guests can experience in the real Japanese countryside that is not written by the guide book. Japan has 4 seasons. Especially, countryside is very special. Spring, you can see cherry blossoms. Summer, you can swim in the clean river and see many fireflies. Autumn, you can see the autumn color of leaves in the mountain. Winter, you can see snow and play skiing. You will be relaxed and enjoy in our property that is surrouded by beautiful nature. I have two properties. 1. "Beautiful countryside Artist house" The house name is a UJITEI. It is a house that is next to my parents' house. My father is an artist and all artworks are made by him. It is in the countryside. We have a beautiful river, big mountain, a lot of rice field, craft and old folk Japanese house in our city. If you would like to experience to make rice, you could do rice planting and harvest rice.(It depends on when you stay.) 2."Traditional & Modern ART & CRAFT" The house name is Hostel Antamina. Shop and Restaurants are included in the property. It was a historical building. When it was Edo period, The street was a hotel area for Samurai and Shogun. The property was built 100 years ago. Craftsman built the building with beautiful skills. There is a huge Japanese garden too. You can feel traditional and modern art. --- We introduce our family — Toshimi Uji — Artist.(Painting / Sculpture) Farmar(make rice for family) He worked for an art teacher in junior high school. The idea of ​​his work is in everyday life. All his artworks have stories. When you listen to the concept, You can know our life and town more deeply. He teaches the knowledge of living in the countryside, makes rice, keeps a mountain, makes firewood. — Taeka Uji — Mother of everyone. When you arrive at UJITEI, She welcomes you. She can teach Ikebana(flower arrangement), ceremonial green tea, Calligraphy, Dressed up Kimono. She learned Ikebana and ceremonial green tea over 40 years. Her family lived in this place generously. She grew up in the mountain. That’s why she is very familiar with the flowers that live in this area. Her workshop of Ikebana goes to the mountain she grew up and pick up flowers. She is curious and loves to talk with guests. After we started a vacation rental, she decided to learn English to talk with guests. Now she enjoys talking with guests every day. Her workshop:Ikebana — Yuka Yamamoto — I am writing this blog. I am a daughter of Taeka and Toshimi. I grew up in here till 18years old. Then I moved to Osaka to go to Art University. My major was dying and weaving. I think craft and art should be in our everyday life. So I start vacation house to tell our life. My workshop is dying with natural leaves. I apply a technique to dye kimono. My happiness is to share our knowledge and life here. I also run another shop with my husband, Atsushi who is a jewelry designer. You can stay in UJITEI and come to our shop. I have a 2 years old girl. She loves eating and plays outside. She knows well what grasses are best for goat. My workshop: dying scarf — Yoshiko Uji — She is Yuka’s sister in law. She studied cooking. Her cooking is excellent. She helps clean UJITEI. She keeps your cozy room. Her husband and 5yearl old son come to UJITEI every weekend. Her son is professional to catch insects. — You can join us! — We have many events in UJITEI. You can stay and join our family events! We, the Japanese countryside, keep traditional life with nature and culture. We welcome with UJI family. And we have wonderful neighbors in our town. I want to introduce them next time. You will be a part of our town.




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