
长谷 · 整套别墅 · 12室15床13.5卫 · 可住16人 · 12卧24人4人泳池家庭影院按摩BDS快速无线网络

长谷 · 整套别墅 · 12室15床13.5卫 · 可住16人

长谷整套别墅12室15床13.5卫可住16人 · 12卧24人4人泳池家庭影院按摩BDS快速无线网络

5.0分 · 2条评论
房东:Anna734 条评价 · 已通过身份认证 · 超赞房东

*我们所有员工都接种了疫苗* 12间卧室/24人别墅,面积为2500平方米: • 4个游泳池,其中一个是17米长的游泳池 •家庭影院客房 •可欣赏稻田景观的按摩床 • 2个屋顶露台 •步行即可抵达咖啡馆/2分钟即可抵达海滩、芬兰人和阿特拉斯海滩俱乐部(亚洲最大的海滩俱乐部) • 4间设备齐全的厨房 •高达60mbps的光纤无线网络 •建于2019年 •俯瞰私人花园的露天浴缸 •宽敞的花园 •稻田景观 •摩托车租赁、按摩和洗衣(额外收费) 加强卫生标准: •所有员工均已接种疫苗(已接种第二剂疫苗)。 •所有员工尽可能遵守社交距离规则,在公共场所佩戴口罩,并定期消毒和洗手。 •每次退房后,别墅都会彻底消毒。 位置: 别墅距离贝拉瓦咖啡馆和餐厅仅几步之遥,距离贝拉瓦海滩以及Finns海滩俱乐部和阿特拉斯海滩节(东南亚最大的一站式娱乐中心)仅2分钟路程。 附近有几家超市和一个非常适合慢跑和户外锻炼的公园。 查看别墅指南,了解附近景点和活动的建议。 别墅: 此房源面积为2500平方米,包括一栋4卧别墅、两栋3卧别墅和一栋位于同一建筑群内的2卧室别墅。 两栋3床别墅和2张床的别墅彼此相邻,而4张床的别墅距离它们20米。 它还提供: • 4个私人泳池 •一间家庭影院 • 8间超大双人床( 200x200厘米)卧室套房 • 1间特大号床( 180x200厘米)卧室套房 • 3间双人床(每间2张单人床: 90x200厘米)卧室套房 泳池、起居室、用餐区、按别墅类型的厨房以及按摩床、电影房和露台: 4卧室别墅: • 17分钟* 5分钟无边泳池,可欣赏稻田景观、阳光躺椅和泳池甲板区,周围环绕着热带花园 •餐厅、客厅和厨房都是开放的空间,面向私人泳池 •别墅设有2间厨房: 1间设备齐全的现代厨房,仅供房客使用, 1间供工作人员使用 •客厅和用餐区与带Netflix和音乐播放器的平板智能电视完全连接 •配备按摩,配有2张按摩床,面向稻田 •最后但同样重要的是,有一个带空调的家庭影院,周围有大型平板电视和音频系统。 我们有数百张DVD可供选择,或者您可以观看国际有线电视频道之一。 房间里还有一架钢琴,还有一架钢琴。 2栋3卧室别墅: •每栋别墅均设有带日光浴躺椅的私人泳池区、设备齐全的厨房、带平板智能电视和Netflix的起居室,以及俯瞰泳池的用餐区。 •这栋双床别墅还有一个带休息室的楼上露台,毗邻主卧,非常适合欣赏日落椰子或一杯冰镇葡萄酒。 别墅类型的卧室套房: 4卧室别墅: • 4间宽敞的卧室套房,包括: a)楼下2间超大双人床( 200厘米)卧室套房 b) 1间加大双人床( 180x200厘米)卧室套房和1张单人床(每间2张单人床: 90x200厘米)卧室套房 •每间卧室均配备空调和吊扇、窗户沙发(可转换成额外的床,可容纳额外房客)以及套房浴室和独立的更衣空间。 •楼下的两间主卧室设有私人花园,可俯瞰豪华开放式套内卫生间。 •楼上的两间卧室设有私人屋顶露台 两栋3卧室别墅: •每栋3床别墅楼下都有宽敞的超大双人床( 200x200厘米)卧室套房,可俯瞰泳池区域 •超大加大双人床( 200厘米)和单人床(每张2张单人床: 90厘米x 200厘米) ,楼上的卧室套房包括私人室内客厅和办公空间,双人套房还设有下沉式浴缸 •所有卧室套房均包括空调、带淋浴间和热水的独立套房卫生间以及独立的更衣区 2卧室别墅: • 2床别墅设有两间超级加大双人床( 200x200厘米)卧室套房,带套内浴室、空调和独立更衣空间 •楼上的主卧室有一个带休息区的私人露台 大楼的热带花园: •别墅还拥有属于别墅群的热带郁郁葱葱的花园。 •走出别墅,坐下来享受大自然。 价格包括: •最多可容纳24人入住的住宿(包含在房费中)。 对于超过24人,我们可以额外收费放置额外的床。 •抵达时,热带迎宾饮料和冷毛巾 •每日清洁 •每日早餐 •高达60mbps的高速光纤网络 •下午自由流动咖啡/茶 •饮水机里的水 •全职员工 • 24小时保安 •免费婴儿床和婴儿椅(应要求提供)。 额外服务 •机场接送 •一日游 •活动:全地形车、全地形车、漂流、冲浪课程 •瑜伽课 •午餐和晚餐 •烧烤 •摩托车租赁 •婚礼和晚餐 •家庭友好型服务(泳池围栏、婴儿看护服务) •水疗服务,包括按摩、足部反射疗法、身体磨砂、修理/足部。 我们可以在别墅内安排按摩,您也可以参观我们大楼内的水疗区。 •洗衣服务 除此之外,我们还根据您在长谷地区的去处/体验需求为您提供定制建议



This Airbnb was great and looked just like the photos. We had a group of 22 and everyone loved their rooms. We also had an amazing dinner made by the staff one of the nights for my birthday where they accommodated food allergies. 100% recommend staying here!


Amazing villa and staff my whole wedding group had the best time, and I couldn’t have asked to stay in a better place.

查看全部 2 条评价


印度尼西亚, 巴厘岛, 长谷

在饥饿鸟( Hungry Bird )享用城里最好的咖啡开始您的一天,然后直接前往贝拉瓦海滩( Berawa Beach ) ,享受应有的维生素海( Vitamin Sea )。 骑自行车或开车2分钟即可抵达贝拉瓦海滩( Berawa beach )。Finns海滩俱乐部( Finns Beach Club )和阿特拉斯海滩节( Atlas Beach Fest ) (东南亚最大的一站娱乐中心)就在那里。
其他早餐选择包括Satu Satu –点一份班尼迪克蛋( Eggs Benedict ) ,不会伤害您的口袋--Cinta咖啡馆、7岛和Ruko咖啡馆。 所有这些地方都有许多西式菜肴、新鲜水果和印度尼西亚早餐选择。7岛更像是一家美味的面包店/咖啡店,但仍然有不错的早餐选择。
一旦您的胃开始隆隆,不妨尝尝Milu by Nook的西方/印度融合美食。如果您喜欢生鱼,请订购辣金枪鱼叉烧碗,欣赏稻田美景。 对于我们的素食主义者和素食主义者朋友来说, Peloton Supershop绝对值得一游。顶级精选包括奶油奶酪千层面配腰果奶酪或“Power House沙拉” (如果您想要更健康的食物)。
贝拉瓦的晚餐选择无穷无尽,这取决于您对美食的渴望。如果您想吃披萨,可以尝试Milk and Madu (还有一个游乐场,经常有现场音乐表演)和La Baracca。 裸体,带有友好的笑容和半份生食,非常适合戳碗、鸡尾酒和冰沙。 如需一流的寿司,请前往新开业的寿司店或更贵的蓝色餐厅。
如果你能召唤力量,不伤心地走出贝拉瓦,巴图布隆( Batubolong ) (别担心,你还在长谷)也有一些美食。 在Casa Tua品尝真正的爪哇美食,您不仅会被它的美食迷住,而且还会被它带到爪哇市中心的环境迷住。 Penny Lane以其周围环境、美味的塔帕斯和鸡尾酒堪称这一切。当然,您还可以参观传奇的Deus (长谷最早开业的地方之一) ,这是一家概念店,包括一家餐厅和酒吧。 它著名的汉堡令人垂涎欲滴。
对于家庭而言,不要错过Finns娱乐俱乐部--从水上公园( Splash )到保龄球中心,再到室外餐厅和儿童俱乐部,这里应有尽有。 我们还强烈推荐Made 's Warung的大型游乐场,从早餐到晚餐开放。 别忘了,塔莫拉画廊( Tamora Gallery )拥有时尚的游乐场和迷你滑板坡道,也是成人的购物天堂和美食天堂。


我们可以为Hiace 14座迷你巴士提供司机,价格为120万印尼盾( 8小时)或80万印尼盾( 5小时)。 或者,工作人员可以帮助租一辆摩托车。价格从标准Vario的80.000印尼盾到更高级的Nmax的250.000印尼盾不等。

周边热门:水明漾海滩(约3.8公里)、库塔海滩(约7.1公里)、Discovery 购物中心(约7.1公里)


734 条评价


Hi my name is Anna and I am the owner of Bali Comfy Villas. I am originally from Greece and have been living in Bali since 2013. I love traveling and meeting new people and that’s why I started working in the hospitality sector. I have a background in economics and have worked in consulting for 10 years. My life took a strange twist when I first came to Bali in 2012 and fell in love with the place. I ended up living in the island from 2013 and have never regretted this decision. I am here to make your life easier when deciding to rent a villa. I have a list of villas in Canggu and Seminyak that I love and would 100% recommend. My selection process comes from first-hand experience. This means that I have stayed myself in all the villas I have selected and have nurtured close working relationships with the villa managers and/or owners. Apart from the villas I market, I can also help you get around in Bali. I can provide additional services (that from my experience you most probably need especially if you come in a group) such as pick up/drop off from the airport, car/van with driver for day trips as well as organization of lunches / dinners / barbecues at the villas. I provide these services at no extra charge, with the only aim to facilitate you and save you from a lot of hassle so that you can enjoy your vacation in Bali. COMMITMENT TO CLEANLINESS: All of our villas are committed to Airbnb’s cleaning standards. Safety standards are redefined so that a safe and clean environment is guaranteed for our guests. This consists of in-house and outside experts in food and water safety, hygiene and infection prevention as well as villa operations. We promise to actively monitor cleaning solutions to ensure a continued focus on the health and safety of the guests and staff. THINGS TO DO IN CANGGU: Below a list of our favourite places to eat, go out, enjoy pampering massages or yoga classes and surf lessons in Canggu: Jalan Batu Bolong – main road of Canggu: The majority of restaurants and bars in Jalan (=street) Batu Bolong starts at the cross road where Deus is located: • Deus: Deus is one of the first places to open in Canggu. Concept store including bar, restaurant as well as surf board & clothing store with live music every Sunday • La Baracca: one of the best pizzas in Bali, two restaurants located both in Berawa and Batu Bolong • Crate Café : highly recommended for brunch • Casa Tua Canggu: Indonesian food, nice ambience, mainly for dinner • Warung Bumi: Cheap Indonesian food, mainly for lunch • Monsieur Spoon: French bakery, also nice for brunch • Lacalita Bar: towards the beach of Batu Bolong, Mexican food and music • Old Man’s: bar overlooking Batu Bolong beach with live music every Friday and where you can also eat fast food type food • The Lawn: all day beach bar that also offer dinner. Located between Batu Bolong and Old Man’s beach. Expect Western pricing • Shady Shack: located on the tiny road behind Deus, vegetarian menu, mixture of Indonesian and International cuisine • Veda: value for money organic food, mixture of Indonesian and international cuisine Echo Beach: Do treat yourself to a Gaya ice cream – local ice-cream with interesting flavours made in Ubud. • La Brisa beach bar at Echo beach offers all day long relaxation by the beach, some yummy food and is known for its parties. • For the young at heart, I always suggest a not so lazy Sunday outing that starts with a dinner and continues at Deus that offers live music every Sunday. Jalan Subak Canggu: rice field road that connects Batu Bolong & Berawa Beach: • Pretty poison: alternative bar with skate rump and live music once per week for a younger audience. Also on selected days there is movie projection • Lola’s cantina Mexicana is a must for some tacos and margharitas. Order a cocktail and get a taco for free. Jalan Pantai Berawa: • Atlas: biggest beach club in Southeast Asia opened in July 2022 its doors in Berawa • Finns: by Berawa beach, beach bar restaurant with pool, quite noisy, good if you are in a party mood • Milk & Madu: great pizzas and food in general. An all-day option from breakfast to dinner. Also has playground for kids. • Milu by Nook: best ambience, Western-Indo menu, ‘Tuna Poke Bowl’ is definitely one of the best picks. Very nice place for a romantic dinner that offers value for money food. • Peloton: vegan place nice for brunch and lunch, closed for dinner • Batu Beats: healthy bowls for brunch, lunch and dinner • Hungry Bird: value for money brunch and best coffee in Bali. Hungry Bird is closed every Sunday • Dua Tiga: Looks small on the outside but is huge on the inside. An industrial style restaurant that offers Western, Indo and Vietnamese cuisine. Has also some very yummy smoothie bowls. • Ruko café: near Berawa beach, recommended for brunch • Warung Heboh: Cheap Indonesian food, recommended for lunch • Berawa Kitchen: opposite hungry bird, a grass area surrounded by canteens that sell different types of food to please all tastes from hot dogs to Indonesian food • Satu-Satu Coffee Company: value for money brunch and lunch For massages I would recommend: • Tonic day spa at Echo Beach: best pick for a nice massage. Do check the flamingo garden. • Therapy at Echo Beach – also nail polish available • The massage place at Hotel Kirana at Jalan Batu Bolong • Maria Curau: for massage & vegan nail polish (Jl. Munduk Kedungu No.45, Pererenan) Apart from the above there are plenty of massage places in Canggu, while generally massages are quite cheap. Pricing starts at 150.000 IDR (around 10 euros) for one hour. For surfing: If you are interested in surf lessons we have our own surf school. For more information, please check surfisupbali. We offer private and semi-private lessons. For yoga I would recommend: • Samadi at Jalan Padang Linjong (road that leads to Echo Beach) • The Practice: my very favourite at Jalan Batu Bolong • Desaseni at Jl. Subak Sari No.13. Apart from yoga, Desaseni offers massage, accommodation and food • Serenity at Jl. Nelayan, Canggu Kids activities: • Made’s Warung in Berawa: Best place for kids. There is a large outdoor and indoor playground. The outdoor playground is free of charge, while the indoor playgroup has a minor cost per hour. Food is decent and there is a kids menu. • Parklife: just off Canggu, relatively new place. We love this place for kids, there is both an indoor and outdoor playground. There is an entry fee but price is decent. The place also offers a restaurant with kids menu. • Milk & Madu: Has a kid menu and a small but nice playground for kids • Dua Tiga: Similar to Milk & Madu the place offers a small playground and also has kids menu • Tamora Square: There is a free playground where kids can play. Parents can have lunch or dinner in one of the restaurants there e.g. Ink, while kids can play at the playground. The place also offers a mini skate ramp for kids. • Finns Recreation Club has plenty of activities for kids including a water park, bounce castle & trampolines, bowling, swimming pool, tennis and football court. Please note that it is a bit pricey. Canggu club also organises play groups Play groups are also organised by various kindergardens in Canggu such as the The Garden (Early Learning Centre) and Alam Atelier. Expect Western pricing. Activities such as horse riding, cooking classes, Balinese offering making class etc can be easily organised. Just inbox me and I am more than happy to help.

语言:English、Français、Ελληνικά、Bahasa Indonesia、Español回复率:100%回复时间:1小时内



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巴厘岛民宿 · 整套别墅 | 巴厘岛


· 超赞房东
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巴厘岛民宿 · 整套别墅 | 巴厘岛


· 超赞房东
巴厘岛民宿 · 整套民居 | 巴厘岛

别墅别墅别墅,别墅位于乌马拉斯( Umalas ) ,配备私人泳池

· 超赞房东


