
Ba Đình · 整套出租单元 · 2室2床1.0卫 · 可住4人 · Lily 's Duplex 2卧❣室️ BADINH市中心❣️ Sp 24/24

Ba Đình · 整套出租单元 · 2室2床1.0卫 · 可住4人

Ba Đình整套出租单元2室2床1.0卫可住4人 · Lily'sDuplex2卧室️BADINH市中心❣️Sp2424

4.0分 · 3条评论
EV 充电桩
房东:Thomas962 条评价 · 已通过身份认证

您会爱上我们的公寓,因为: -这是一个价格极具竞争力的超赞房东房源 -住在现代化的建筑中,远离喧嚣的旅游区 -独立厨房和卫生间 -现代设计,色彩鲜 艳-家具和设备-免费无线网络-智能电视 -附近有很多餐厅、咖啡馆和超市 -适合家庭和商务差旅人士入住。 ️ ️ 1.景观: Jasmine 's House是Doi Can的整个大楼。 一小步就值得走出你的工作室进入电梯。每天早上,阳光和微风穿过露台,这正是早晨享用一杯咖啡和茶的理想选择。 无论是俯身在露台上,还是坐在沙发上,您可能会感兴趣了解在这里平常的一天是如何渡过的。 ️ ️ 2.位置: ● Doi Can街更像一条安静的小巷。随时都能够轻松抵达市中心。 此外,步行即可抵达当地人经常光顾的许多餐厅、自动取款机、自助餐厅和杂货店。 ●本地商店和餐厅就在我们的门口,附近有很多苦艾酒、Pho、粘米饭,但价格实惠美味(价格从20,000越南盾到50,000越南盾不等)。 ●为了让您在探索Doi Can时获得更好的体验,我们推荐列出的一些目的地(在图片和概述中) ♦ ️ 3.设计: ●茉莉花房子位于一条小巷内。房源采用意大利风格设计。然而,进入民宿后,您会发现一个相当现代的室内设计,让您拥有足够舒适的住宿体验。 该房源设有02间卧室, 01间带网络电视的客厅, 1间浴室和01个独立的厨房。 该房源最多可容纳5位房客(如果第5位房客愿意使用沙发床)。 Jasmine房子最美丽的部分之一就是露台。它朝向东方,所以它在早上拥有充足的阳光。 即使在人口稠密的河内地段,也能为您带来舒适感。 ●独立卧室配备宽敞通风窗户,可俯瞰3种不同景色,即使在卧室内,您也可以俯瞰河内繁华街区的全景。 ●此外,楼梯上还有景观^ ^ = = =我想这栋双层公寓不会让您失望! ! = = = ️ ️ 4.您的空间: ●这间可爱的70平方米房间透过窗户有光束。 ●复式客房设有2间卧室,包括一间独立的卧室(带门锁)和02张舒适的双人床。 ●双层公寓配备智能电视。 ●阳台俯瞰道路,您可以在阳台上享受一杯咖啡,观看路上的行人、路上儿童的笑声、辐射到整个街区的幸福, …… ●客房还配备强大的无线网络连接、私人冰冷空调和冰箱,用于保持冰冷饮料。 ️ ️ 5.便利设施: 茉莉花的房源竭尽全力为您提供舒适的住宿体验和所需的便利设施 ️ ️ 6.像当地人一样生活: ●与我们同住,您将学到如何像个真正的越南人一样生活。 我们位于河内西湖( Hanoi 's West Lake )的中心,街边餐厅和咖啡馆众多。 夜晚,街道上涌现出更多的餐厅和夜市,为想要购物、与亲朋好友分享美食的大批人提供服务。 只有在凌晨3点左右,街道才会变得安静。如果您仍然醒着,您可以在美丽的空旷街道中静静地漫步,只有在白天到来时才能看到它们再次与生命一起爆炸! ●左邻右舍都非常友好,车道前面就是最棒的本地面条店,从完美的睡眠时间到愉快的生活体验,您会得到全方位的照顾。 ️ ️ 7.安全: ●我们位于镇上一个非常安全的区域,建议您四处走走-即使您从夜间外出到家很晚。



The view was beautiful. Rented the place for a month so I can leave my stuff while traveling throughout the country. Having spent 2 weeks total in this airbnb and using a/c sparingly in one room while I was there, the electricity bill cost me $150 USD. Truly unbelievable. Bathroom sink didn't work and I was told it would be fixed. No one ever came to fix it. Shower drain was clogged, which I fixed myself. Kitchen cabinets had greasy finger prints on it and I was told it would cost money to have someone come clean the apartment. Blinds were in poor condition, some did not work at all. Too many unpleasant surprises for me to recommend this place.


War sehr schön.


Super customer service with bookings of tours and drivers. Clean spartan space - fine for the economy minded tourist. In a neighborhood that feels like real every day non-tourist Vietnam. Need cheap cab to get to the glitzier areas.

查看全部 3 条评价


越南, 河内, Ba Đình

Jasmine 's House地址是No. 42B, 209 Doi Can Alley, Doi Can street, Ba Dinh district, Ha Noi city。 位于许多商业中心、娱乐区、著名景点附近。IT是四处走动:
❣️ 1/最近的地标*
-联合国开发计划署(开发计划署) ( 1.2公
里) -一柱塔(一柱塔) ( 1.3公里)
-河内乐天中心( Lotte Center Hanoi ) ( 1.4公里)
-胡志明陵( Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum ) ( 1.6公
里) -杭日体育场( Hang Day Stadium ) ( 1.5公里)
-河内植物园( Hanoi Botanical Garden ) ( 1.7公里)
-越南皇家理工大学( RMIT International University Vietnam ) ( 1.7公里)
❣ ️ 2/最近的机场*
-内拜国际机场( Noi Bai International Airport ) ( 24.5公里)
❣️ 3/最受欢迎的地标*
-西湖( 1.5公里)
-越南美术博物馆( 1.6公里)
-泉山寺( 2.2公里)
-河内文学寺( Hanoi Temple ) ( 2.3公里)
-阮志丹文康中心( Vincom Center Nguyen Chi Thanh ) ( 2.5公里)
-河内火车站( Ha Noi Railway station ) ( 2.8公里)
-河内老城门( Hanoi Old City Gate ) ( 3.1公
里) -越南民族学博物馆( 3.2公里)
-圣约瑟夫大教堂( St. Joseph Cathedral ) ( 3.2公里)
-东玄市场( Dong Xuan Market ) ( 3.5公里)


我们在这里休息所有的担忧!我们准备了一本手册,这是我们根据城市体验编写的。 它包括我们通常吃饭的地方、我们一整天都在享受宁静和舒适的咖啡厅、一个不太嘈杂但足够有趣的酒吧,让您的一天变得更明亮......我们会尽量用越南语和英语写它。
✌ 2/如何乘坐巴士或出租车前往公寓:
-您可以叫出租车前往河内市巴丁区Doi Can Alley Doi Can街209号42B路。 或者,为了更方便,您可以和我一起随时预订接送机服务,车况良好,也有礼貌,价格具有竞争力,车况良好。
✌ 3/有公交车经过JASMINE 's HOUSE - Ha Noi市Ba Dinh区Doi Can Alley Doi Can街209号42B
- 09B路: Bo Ho -通恩公园( Thong Nhat Park ) - My Dinh巴士站
- 09BCT路: Tran Khanh Du - My Dinh巴士站
✌ 4/公共交通、停车:
-您可以乘坐公交车、出租车、优步、Grab。但我建议您去抢车,因为您将知道自己支付的价格,他们会诚实对待您(我们可以向您展示如何预订)。 或者,正如我刚才所说,您可以问我。因为我们全天候为您提供支持^ ^
✌ 5/从公寓搬到风景优美的地方:



962 条评价


Hi friends, My friends called me Tung. I may look nerdy but in fact I am a very friendly, warmth, easy going guy with passion for travelling and reading and enjoy seeking friendship with people from all over the world, learning their cultures and differences. Since as a young boy, I have a long time dream and that is to make people life and the world a better place for generations after generations to come. I am a young Vietnamese generation and am raised in Hanoi, a beautiful city rich in Vietnam cultures and history and is the capital of Vietnam. I will like to implore everyone to come and enjoy and experience this scenic old charm city that has rich traditional foods and historical cultures with friendly Vietnamese people. I graduated from the Banking Academy in 2009 and started my career in the banking and finance industry. With my passion and hard works, at age 28 year old, I was appointed the youngest Branch Director in the biggest private bank in Vietnam. The demanding competitive work environment as well as pressure of achieving monthly targets has stressed me out and started taking frequent oversea trips help me to distress, refocus and recharged myself. I remembered with joyful memories, my very first oversea trip to Singapore in year 2014 and leave a deep lasting impression till today. I was generously invited by my Singapore friend, Sam to stay at his apartment instead of staying in the hotel located at eastern part of Singapore. His 2 bedrooms apartment although is small but very neat, clean and comfortable. Upon entering the apartment, you felt warmth and welcome with a pleasant feeling. It felt like home again. Sam act as my personal guide and take me to interesting places that few tourist know about and eating cheap delicious local foods that normally tourists aren’t aware of it existence. He customize our holidays according to what we wants to do in Singapore and also propose some places to visit and local foods to indulge in. I was given a VVIP 5 Stars services treatment by a friend with warmth and sincerity to ensure I have a good times in Singapore and introduce the history and cultures of Singapore to me too. We travel by public transport and get to see many places in Singapore that tourists don’t. The experiences give a feeling of “Home Sweet Home”. This inspired me and I told myself that someday I will like to provide a true “Home away from Home” hospitality experiences for others too when they visit Hanoi. Over the past few years, Vietnam has opened up its economy and attracted many business investment and tourism growth with improvement to the country infrastructures and policy to make Vietnam a business friendly country and an ideals developing country for tourist to visit. This open up an opportunity for me to fulfilled my childhood dream of operating a “Home away from Home” Homestay business call LILY HOMETEL, Website: (Website hidden by Airbnb) to provide a memorable experiences for all business and leisure traveller friends. Thus, I make a daring decision to leave my high position, high paying job in the bank and without regrets, take my passion and warmth to provide a vacation rental business whereby I will provide concierge information services, be an ambassador for Vietnam, tailored to your needs, proposed and customized your holiday plans, providing a warmth, safe and comfortable environment where all your stress are taken care by us and you only just need to do one things; is to relax, have a worried free stay and enjoy your stays in Hanoi. At least you know that there is someone whom you can trust and can turn to for assistance and advice. TUNG is always here for you. If you have an awesome time staying with us, do share with at least 3 people about Lily Hometel. I appreciate you with greatest gratitude and am looking forward to your next memorable revisit. Once our traveller guest, you are forever a friend of mine. Knowing my guests are happy give me great satisfaction. My motto is a combination of passion and a rewarding life to give our best on the day to day challenges so that every visit make you wanting to come back for more visit as we have becomes a part of your family. If there is any fault in our services, do help us by giving suggestions and feedbacks so that we can continuously self-reflect and make improvement to serve you better for your next stay will be more pleasant and fulfilling. May all my friends find Peace and Miracles at the Lily Hometel’s homestay. WE ARE FAMILY !




安心房源保障 人工审核所有中国房源信息,入住更安心


专业中文客服 通过客服电话、线上客服、智能客服助手等渠道,为您提供全方位服务


旅行安全保障 多重风险控制设计,全方位保障您的行程安全

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