
Civitella Paganico loc. Pari · 整套别墅 · 3室5床2.0卫 · 可住7人 · 别墅Este

Civitella Paganico loc. Pari · 整套别墅 · 3室5床2.0卫 · 可住7人

Civitella Paganico loc. Pari整套别墅3室5床2.0卫可住7人 · 别墅Este

4.7分 · 18条评论
房东:Alberto18 条评价 · 已通过身份认证

卧室 <b>别墅 在 Pari</b> 有 3 卧室 和 容量 7 人. <br>住宿 的 235 m² 兴趣配置 和 大的, 拥有的景色 花园景 和 泳池景. <br> 重要信息:为响应covid-19,此酒店增加了清洁和消毒措施及规程,以确保客人的安全<br>卧室 <b>别墅 在 Pari</b> 有 3 卧室 和 容量 7 人. <br>住宿 的 235 m² 兴趣配置 和 大的, 拥有的景色 花园景 和 泳池景. <br>距离 42 m 超市 &quot;Centro Commerciale Maremà - Grosseto&quot;, 3 km 市中心 &quot;Pari&quot;, 3 km 从餐厅 &quot;Pari&quot;, 4 km 温泉 &quot;Petriolo Spa Resort&quot;, 20 km 超市 &quot;Paganico (COOP)&quot;, 36 km 市中心 &quot;Siena&quot;, 44 km 火车站 &quot;Grosseto&quot;, 57 km 自然景观 &quot;Parco Naturale della Maremma&quot;, 60 km 高尔夫球场 &quot;Pelagone Golf Resort&quot;, 65 km 沙滩 &quot;Castiglione della Pescaia&quot;, 65 km 水上乐园 &quot;Acqua Village Follonica&quot;, 66 km 沙滩 &quot;Follonica&quot;, 68 km 沙滩 &quot;Marina di Grosseto&quot;, 78 km 温泉 &quot;Terme di Saturnia&quot;, 117 km 机场 &quot;Aeroporto di Firenze&quot;, 192 km 机场 &quot;Aeroporto di Pisa&quot;, 214 km 机场 &quot;Aeroporto di Roma - Fiumincino&quot; 和 坐落于一个 适合家庭 的区域 和 有森林环绕的.<br>配有 公园, 庭院家具, 25 m² 露台, 洗衣机, 烧烤, 木屋, 熨斗, 互联网接入 (Wi-Fi无线网), 吹风机, 按摩浴缸, 泳池 私人泳池, 露天式停车场 在 在同一建筑物内, 2 台电视.<br>卧室 独立式厨房, 电的, 配备有 冰箱, 微波炉, 烤箱, 冰柜, 洗碗机, 碗碟/刀具, 餐具/厨房, 咖啡壶 和 烧水壶.



Vi nød vores ferie i dette smukke hus på landet. Dejligt roligt område, dejlig pool og super med faciliteter. Dog nærmest ubrugeligt internet, hvilket også er den eneste negative at sige.


- Das Haus ist weit oben gelegen und es war wunderschön die Aussicht auf Pari und die Ruhe zu genießen. Zudem hört man das Vogelgezwitscher aus dem das Haus umgebenden Wald. - Die Größe und liebevolle Einrichtung (typisch toskanischer Stil mit persönlichen Elementen wie Bildern) des Hauses hat uns sehr gefallen, es war sauber und man hat sich direkt zuhause gefühlt. - Der Balkon hat uns zum Sonnenbaden eingeladen und ist ein idealer Platz zum frühstücken. - Der Bereich um den Pool (der leider noch abgedeckt war, weil es zu kalt im April ist) ist wunderschön angelegt mit Rosmarinbüschen, Salbei, französischem Lavendel und vielen weiteren Bäumen und Kräutern. Er lädt aufgrund seiner Weitläufigkeit und des Ausblicks zum Verweilen bei einem Glas Wein ein. - Die Möglichkeiten Feuer zu machen hat uns sehr gut gefallen, besonders der offene Kamin. Leider war das auch notwendig, da die Heizung nur zu willkürlichen Zeiten angesprungen ist und das unzureichend war um das Steinhaus aufzuheizen. - Die Küche war sehr gut ausgestattet und der Herd/Ofen, Spül- & Waschmaschine haben gut funktioniert. Uns persönlich hätte ein Wasserkocher, ein zweites Schneidebrett, ein Rührmixer und eine Waage noch gefehlt, aber das kann bei Bedarf ja auch selber mitgebracht werden. - Der Jacuzzi war eine nette Spielerei, leider war er sehr laut und die Düsen waren nicht ganz sauber, zudem hat der Abfluss nicht ganz geschlossen und es musste Wasser nachgefüllt werden. - Es war eine interessante und einzigartige Erfahrung in dem Pizzaofen Pizza zuzubereiten. Leider wurde weder für den Pizzaofen noch für den Holzherd eine Anleitung dagelassen und es musste viel ausprobiert werden. - Der Kontakt zu Jens May und Nicoletta (diese managen das Ferienhaus) war sehr nett und sie waren stets sehr bemüht. - Die Nachbarn waren sehr nett, haben immer gegrüßt und die direkte Nachbarin ist auch für ein kurzes freundliches Gespräch rübergekommen. - > Wir würden gerne wieder hier Urlaub machen, haben uns zu jederzeit sehr Wohlgefühl und würden einen Aufenthalt hier weiterempfehlen. :)


In an advertisement at your website the so called owner "Alberto" writes:"Independent Maremma farmhouse in the Tuscan countryside with private infinity pool and breathtaking views. Recently restructured and renovated, it is furnished and decorated with great taste. [...] On the partially covered terrace you will find a barbecue, a table and chairs, sun loungers… Here you can sunbathe in complete privacy and even have lunch or diner if you wish." In the offer the author underlines several times the house is independent. When we arrived at the location the following came to our attention: - It is impossible to speak with the owner. An elegant, Italian Alberto is replaced with a German guy who introduces himself as Jens. Jens never give to visitiors contact details to the owner and in cases of each complaint simply calls "Alberto" and says that resolving a problem is impossible since the owner does not agree. - Jens understands the "indpendence" and "complete privacy" relatively. The house is surrounded by the other houses and has a border wall with the other house. Owners of the second house live just behind the wall. One can hear them, smell what they cook and they can hear literally each word one says. At the first evening when we sat down at the terrace and began grilling and a conversation we found an aggressive lady yelling at us that "house rules" does not allow us to use a terrace after 22. It is a real pity we did not know there are house rules before we came and did not know about the agressive lady just behind a wall. The lady starts working at 6 AM and is very interested in her "complete privacy". - The small seating place at the front of the house is also not usable, since the other inhabitants of the place live just door - to - door. The pictures of the house at your website do not reveal this trick. - The house is not fenced, does not have any closed parking space and the cars are just left at the front of the house. One night we got our cars scratched (most probably by the lady living just behind the wall). We estimate our losses at approx. 6000 PLN (1300 EUR). Three elements of the car got scratched. When we spoke about this with Jens he told us that there is no evidence that neighbours did it. We argumented that this is because we need to keep the cars just in front of the neighbours that are apparently irritated by the fact of tenants living in the house. According to the advertisement on Airbnb - there shall be no neighbours, but Jens apparently did not understand that and was aggressively accusing us of blackmailing him. - There are several other issues meticulously hidden from the view of prospective tenants: a) The fact that swimming pool is separated from the house and borders with the house of permanent owners (the agressive lady) who observes almost every step one makes. b) House is not renovated, it is smelly, furnitures are old and dirty, with stains and private belongings of the owner inside. It is full of strange items covered with dust (e.g. plastic flowers, broken tools or old PC computer). The house is not renovated for 10 - 15 years. c) Jens demands 15 EUR per each person for bedlinen and 100 EUR for cleaning upfront even if there are cobwebs in bathrooms. Pictures can be found at: and will be updated. At the moment we really advise to check google maps for Casal Maggiore, province Grosseto.


We had an awesome stay in Pari! The house is super spacious and well furnished all necessities are there. The pool is so beautiful and big enough for a group of 8. Communication with the host was fast and easy, we would highly recommend this place.


Alberto's house is beautiful and spacious, we spent a great time at the place, with other friends. The area is very quiet and relaxing to enjoy Tuscany with and without tourists as Pari is not very touristy, but it is not far away from main attractions in the region.

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意大利, 托斯卡纳(Toscana), Civitella Paganico loc. Pari



18 条评价


Alberto ha affidato la sua casa a MaremmaLink, un piccolo gruppo di appassionati chi si occupa da quasi 20 anni di turismo in Toscana. Le vacanze dovrebbero essere i giorni più belli ed importanti dell’anno e il nostro obiettivo è fare in modo che lo siano. Selezioniamo solo strutture che corrispondono a rigidi criteri di qualità. Ci assicuriamo che siano attrezzati con tutto ciò di cui potreste avere bisogno e che siano, soprattutto, sempre puliti. Conosciamo tutti proprietari personalmente ed abbiamo personalmente fotografato gli oggetti che proponiamo per garantire che corrispondano a quanto viene offerto. Il team di MaremmaLink vi assisterà in fase di prenotazione per rispondere a dubbi o soddisfare eventuali esigenze già prima del vostro arrivo, restando poi a vostra disposizione durante tutta la permanenza per qualsiasi problema che potrebbe sorgere, ma anche per consigliarvi su attività, luoghi incantevoli da visitare, ristoranti ... Vi aspettiamo per offrirvi un soggiorno sereno e di qualità in questo meraviglioso territorio che è la Maremma Toscana




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