
圣罗莎海滩(Santa Rosa Beach) · 整套乡村小屋 · 7室16床4.5卫 · 可住16人 · 氛围:海岸生活体验。带屏风的泳池。

圣罗莎海滩(Santa Rosa Beach) · 整套乡村小屋 · 7室16床4.5卫 · 可住16人

圣罗莎海滩(Santa Rosa Beach)整套乡村小屋7室16床4.5卫可住16人 · 氛围:海岸生活体验。带屏风的泳池。

5.0分 · 149条评论
房东:Todd1,567 条评价 · 已通过身份认证 · 超赞房东

想要真正的海滨体验吗? Vibe不仅是另一个陈旧的海滩租赁。 这是一次海滨生活体验! Vibe的设计师装修采用手工切割的斜坡天花板和当地工匠手工绘制的家具,营造出温暖灵魂的海滩小屋感受。 乘坐免费的6座高尔夫球车或4辆免费自行车穿过Vibe迷人的街区,不到3分钟即可到达糖沙海滩。 然后回到家中,在户外季节性加热泳池和热水浴缸中放松身心。 我们精心策划了当地工匠家具以及我们最喜爱的玩具(桨板、高尔夫球车、皮划艇、私人泳池和杀手家庭游戏壁橱) ,以营造难忘的海滩回忆。 Vibe设有7间卧室(包括带私人入口的马车房) ,可容纳大量睡眠,同时保留其复古佛罗里达乡村小屋魅力。 穿过法式大门,在( 10月至4月期间季节性加热)泳池和热水浴缸中放松身心。 在我们的户外用餐区烧烤一些当地海鲜(可供您享受无虫害体验)。 在Vibe的绿树成荫的私人后院玩玉米洞(海滩经典)。 主卧室的按摩浴缸中品尝当地葡萄酒。 或者在Vibe配备齐全的石英和不锈钢厨房中创作您的美食杰作。 不是一栋没有隐私的饼干小屋。 Vibe位于SugarBeach的一个安静的街区,这里是佛罗里达州令人叹为观止的30A高档定制房源街区。 此外, Vibe地理位置优越,位于30A的中心地带(距离海滨阁楼仅1.5英里) ,距离我们最好的海滩、最好的餐厅和兼收并蓄的精品店仅几步之遥。 当然,我们的免费六座高尔夫球车可以帮您将冰箱搬到海滩或在我们的美味餐厅停车。 想试试桨板吗? 皮划艇怎么样?您知道我们的海滩是世界上只有三个地方罕见的海堤湖的家园吗? 可悲的是,很少有当地游客能体验到这些自然奇观的宁静水域,因为他们没有办法享受这些奇观。 但这对氛围的房客来说不用担心。 只需在我们的六座高尔夫球车上将两个免费包括桨板或两艘免费皮划艇,即可体验距离Vibe仅一英里的两个海滨沙丘湖泊中的任何一个 您可以借此机会与亲朋好友共度美好时光,为您打造永恒珍惜的美好回忆。 不要只租另一栋海滨别墅。 预订Vibe的海滨生活体验,入住您的首选日期入住! 为以后--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------保存: 不要忘记单击“保存”按钮,以便以后更容易找到此属性! (点击移动设备显示屏右上角的“心脏”符号,或点击列表顶部的“保存”链接。) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 机场距离: 佛罗里达州德斯廷( VPS ) - 39.4英里 巴拿马城FL ( ECP ) 29.1英里 佛罗里达州彭萨科拉( PNS ) 105英里 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 氛围床、浴缸和睡眠布局: 一楼(主楼) : 卧室1 :加大双人主卧,带独立卫生间(可睡2人) 其他:客厅/厨房/餐厅/洗衣房/大厅半浴室 二楼(主楼) : 卧室2 : 2张双床,不带独立卫生间(可睡2人) 卧室3 :标准双人床(与4号卧室共用全功能卫生间) (可睡2人) 卧室4 : 2张单人双层床,配备带脚轮床。(与卧室共用全功能卫生间3 ) (可睡6人) 卧室5 :加大双人床(与卧室6共用全功能卫生间) (可睡2人) 卧室6 :标准双人床(与5号卧室共用全功能卫生间) (可容纳2人) 二楼(马车房) : 7号卧室:两张标准双人床、1张日光浴床(双人床)、1个脚轮(双人床) (可睡6人) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 泳池: Vibe 's泳池长27英尺,宽14英尺,浅3英尺,深5英尺, 10月至4月季节性加热。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 停车: 除了两个车库外, Vibe还有最多可停放6辆中型汽车的停车位。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 重要信息:请注意: 入住时间为美国中部标准时间下午4点。 退房时间为美国中部标准时间上午10点。 我们的工作人员需要时间来妥善清洁、消毒、检查和维护房源。 由于房源预订量极大,我们无法提供提前入住、延迟退房、提前停车或行李寄存服务。 请注意:如果您想提前11个月以上预订,您必须使用爱彼迎网站,而不是爱彼迎应用。 爱彼迎应用程序只会显示长达11个月的日历,这意味着它只能用于不到一年的预订。 不允许举办派对或活动谢谢! 请注意:此房源仅供度假租赁。 禁止举办派对。 注:年龄要求。 您必须年满25周岁才能预订 春假期间。对不起,没有例外。 注意:抱歉,请勿携带宠物。 没有情感支持动物( ESA )。 没有例外。我们的许多客人都对宠物过敏,并依靠我们提供无宠物环境。 携带宠物或情感支持动物( ESA )违反了您的预订协议,这将导致您的预订被取消,且不予退款。 请注意:为了房客的安全,我们的高尔夫球车配有Apple Airtag ,以方便我们在发生事故或机械故障时提供帮助。 因此, Apple Iphone用户偶尔可能会在操作高尔夫球车时收到Airtag通知。



The place was excellent a great private location with a wonderful pool and surroundings. Great beach access and had everything we needed. We highly recommended this property. Todd was extremely responsive when help was needed. The house had everything you would want to make your stay perfect!!!


Enjoyed our stay.


our group travels here every year for the seaside 5k and half marathon. this place was perfect for our group. plenty of rooms, bathrooms, etc. we had a great stay.


We had a great week at Vibe. Just what we needed for a little break. The house was great, has great amenities, and the heated pool and hot tub were amazing for December weather. Todd and his family were super welcoming, friendly, and very responsive. The house has great beach access and very close to the charming towns of Seaside and Watercolor. Great stay!


House was large enough for our adult children and their families; the carriage house was a great space for my husband and I providing us with some quiet in the morning when the young grandchildren were up early! The pool was a hit for the kids especially in the cooler weather. The golf cart was a life saver when going to the populated areas with little parking. The kitchen was well stocked and we were able to make a Thanksgiving meal without issue. Responsiveness to any issues that arose was immediate and resolved to our satisfaction. I would definitely recommend Todd's place for those visiting 30A!

查看全部 149 条评价


美国, 佛罗里达, 圣罗莎海滩(Santa Rosa Beach)

步行穿过街区8分钟即可抵达海滩(或骑自行车或高尔夫球车2-3分钟)。 坐落在绿树成荫的宁静街区,有一个大型私人后院。Vibe地理位置优越,适合儿童玩耍和成人散发。 然而,距离30A最棒的餐厅、海滩、购物、娱乐、杂货店和公园仅1英里(步行或骑车都很方便)


附近还有生活必需品。距离便利店仅1英里。距离Publix杂货店( 30A最好的杂货店)仅1.5英里。 这里距离Silver Sands高级奥特莱斯购物中心仅11英里( Ralph Lauren、Nike、Bose、Saks 5th Ave、Coach、Michael Kors、Disney、Kate Spade、Tommy Hilfiger、Gap、Anne Taylor、Cole Haan、Harry & David )。
Vibe一英里内就有两个沿海沙丘湖泊。这栋房子后面是一条喋喋不休的小溪(除旱季外)。 当然,翡翠海岸( Emerald Coast )著名的糖沙就在分区入口对面。
您有多辆车的大型派对吗? 30A的停车几乎是普遍困难的。 但是,不适合Vibe房客入住。Vibe设有双车库,还有一条长长的车道,可容纳3-6辆车(取决于车型大小)。



1567 条评价


My wife Christina and sons Christian and Ethan came to the Emerald Coast over 15 years ago for a one month vacation and just never left...and we never will. We love this area, the people, the inspiring emerald waters and our famous sugar sand beaches. We built a portfolio of hand-selected beach properties in order to share our passion. As world travelers (all 7 continents), our family has stayed in vacation rentals, hostels, surf camps, tents, and luxury hotels all over the world. So we understand what it's like to be a Guest and what it takes to create a great experience. First, we know that you’ll have many questions. That’s why within a two hours of your booking you’ll receive an incredibly detailed list of frequently asked questions. Our FAQ list was developed from thousands of Emerald Coast Guests over the last decade and covers virtually every question that you’ll probably have…as well as many that may improve your visit that you may not think of. Second, we know that after traveling for many hours, the last thing that you'll want is to be stuck outside in the Florida sun waiting for someone to bring a key. That’s why we have an automated message system that delivers a door lock code on time, every time. The result? Our Guests never have to wait to check in and never have to go through the hassle of driving to a rental office miles away to pick up a key. Third, we know that cleanliness is critical. That’s why we only hire professional cleaners with at least 2+ years of vacation rental cleaning experience and that's why we have each property inspected after each cleaning by a third party cleaning inspector. Fourth, we know that you expect your vacation rental to look like its listing pictures. Although furnishings are regularly replaced with similar new items, there are “no surprises” when Guests arrive at one of our family’s properties. Fifth, as with any home, unforeseeable maintenance issues can happen. However, our smartphone-friendly maintenance system ensures that maintenance issues are responded to promptly so that our Guests can focus on enjoying their stay. Sixth, we’re not a rental company. We’re a multi-generational vacation rental family with a service team dedicated exclusively to our carefully selected properties. If issues occur, we don’t need to “try to contact the property owner and get back to you later” because we are the property owner. Seventh, we feel that undisclosed charges after the reservation tarnish the Guest experience. So, unlike many vacation rentals in our area, we have no pool heating fee, no golf cart rental fee, no additional Guest fee, no paddleboard use fee, no cable TV usage fee, no bike rental fee, etc. We are committed to pricing transparency. So our only charges are the total that you see when you book your reservation. We never "nickel and dime" our Guests with surprise charges after their reservation is made. Eighth, after being named an Airbnb Superhost with over 1,000 Emerald Coast stays, our family and service team continues to maintain (an Airbnb verified) 100% one hour or less response rate. There's no having to call an 800 number in order to be put on hold just to talk to an answering service who can only take a message in order to have someone call you back the next day. Our communication is always direct, fast and simple. Just message us through Airbnb and a member of our ownership and service team will always respond in under an hour...and often in minutes. As you may have noticed, our family and service team is passionate about creating outstanding Guest experiences. We would love to welcome you to our hand-picked homes along Florida's famous Emerald Coast!




安心房源保障 人工审核所有中国房源信息,入住更安心


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旅行安全保障 多重风险控制设计,全方位保障您的行程安全

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