
Kapan · 民居里的独立房间 · 4室4床2.0卫 · 可住4人 · 尼泊尔家居住宿

Kapan · 民居里的独立房间 · 4室4床2.0卫 · 可住4人

Kapan民居里的独立房间4室4床2.0卫可住4人 · 尼泊尔家居住宿

4.8分 · 9条评论
房东:Friendship Home Stay108 条评价 · 已通过身份认证 · 超赞房东

「在尼泊尔度过沉浸式家庭体验。 与典型的尼泊尔家庭分享您的假期,他们将接待您,并引导您探索他们的仪式、文化和信念。 与尼泊尔家庭一起入住。 「在尼泊尔体验完整的沉浸式家庭体验。与一个典型的尼泊尔家庭分享您的假期,他们将接待您,引导您发现他们的仪式、文化和信仰。 关于房间,我们有两个房间,一个房间有3张单人床,另一个房间有一张双人床和一张单人床。 我的房间有足够的空间,可容纳六人入住,享受他们的住宿体验。房间内有足够的家具和其他日常用品,如水、玻璃等。 整洁干净的床单和毯子始终在您的日历中。房间大小足以自由移动。房间内还有10 Mbps基于音量的互联网速度。 如果您需要任何帮助,请随时联系我们。 友谊家庭住宿为寻找不那么传统但更深层次的文化体验的外国游客建立了友谊家庭住宿为沉浸在真正的联合家庭系统中提供了充足的机会--尼泊尔方式。 房源位于加德满都谷北侧,距离特里布万国际机场仅5公里。 什么是家庭住宿? ? ? 家庭住宿是最受欢迎的住宿加早餐类型之一。 我们邀请房客入住私人住宅,与家人一起生活。与当地人一起生活是了解尼泊尔文化、宗教道德和生态责任的最佳方式。 家庭住宿计划允许尼泊尔游客入住尼泊尔家庭。家庭住宿参与者与家人住在一起--睡在尼泊尔人的家中,与家人共进晚餐,甚至还可以游览这座城市,或与他们一起庆祝节日或生日。 该方案为学习尼泊尔文化、结识新朋友和大家庭以及为尼泊尔人民提供直接援助提供了一个独特的机会,其中许多人为子女和未来的教育储蓄。 作为付费房客,我们专门为优秀的家庭组织安排职位安排,我们拥有一支经验丰富的多语言团队。 房东家庭经过精心筛选,在单人或双人房中提供舒适的住宿。您可以选择住宿加早餐、半食宿或自炊式,并提供简单的住宿类型。 可以选择中心地区或较少的中心地区。考虑到房东家庭的要求,我们必须只接受一个月的预订,但可以续订



Neema und Saradee sind wundervolle Gastgeber. Ich habe mich sehr wohl gefühlt. Sie sind aufgeschlossen, höflich, rücksichtsvoll und hilfsbereit. Wenn man Kontakt zu Nepalesen sucht und einen Eindruck vom Alltag hierzulande bekommen möchte, dann ist man hier genau richtig. Neema ist auch ein sehr erfahrener Trekker und kann durch seine Eigenschaft als offiziell Government-approved Guide Touren organisieren. Man sitzt nach leckerem Nepalesischem Essen (Saradee ist eine sehr gute Köchin) am Tisch über Karten und bekommt Infos, die schwer in Reiseführern etc. zu finden sind. Es war mir ein großes Geschenk, alle meine vorrecherchierten Fragen klären zu können und dann ein Komplettpaket zu bekommen. Das Haus steht in einer ruhigen respektablen Residence Area, abseits der lauten Strassen. Toller Blick über die Stadt von der Terrasse aus für Abendstimmung und Ausklang nach einem anstrengenden Tag der Erkundungen in der trubeligen Stadt.


I rate them 11/10. The hospitality of Nima and Sarda surpassed all my other Air bnb experiences. They engage with you, and make you feel well received. They were flexible with my requests and responsive with every small question I had. I decided to have the meals with them only for 300 NRP each, and it was cooked with a lot of love. This is the ideal place if you want to have the experience living with locals.


I completely recommend you to stay with this lovely family. They are super friendly and respectful and made me feel very safe and cared for. They adapted to my needs and were always easy going. Food is very clean, tasty, non spicy, generous and freshly cooked every time upon request. Breakfast is very nice and they are very sweet people 🙏🏼.


My friend and I really enjoyed our stay with the Tamang family. The area was nice and quiet. The family is lovely, they have much experience with hospitality and it is fun chatting with them. They also make really Good food! The place is just 20 min to walk from the Boudhanath Stupa as well. I would really recommend to stay with this warm and friendly family.


Great place to stay. Good clean accommodation. Great meals and an awesome chance to communicate with a lovely Nepalese family. To learn the culture and customs of Nepal.

查看全部 9 条评价


尼泊尔, 中心区, Kapan

什么是家庭住宿? ? ?
家庭住宿是最受欢迎的住宿加早餐类型之一。 我们邀请房客入住私人住宅,与家人一起生活。与当地人一起生活是了解尼泊尔文化、宗教道德和生态责任的最佳方式。
我住在一个宁静的街区。这里的人们很友好,每当他们在街上遇到您时,都会说Hi或Namaste (尼泊尔语的问候语)。
Friendship Home Stay或Friendship World Trek将帮助您设计适合您时间和才华的计划。
可以与我们的35个房东家庭在尼泊尔的大多数地区安排寄宿家庭和文化交流方案。 在参与者住宿期间,他们将被安置在一个小乡村的尼泊尔家庭中。
这为志愿者提供了了解尼泊尔文化、生活方式、语言、美食和人的方方面面的绝佳机会。 志愿者应该记住,这是一种文化交流,感谢您努力向他们所住的家庭提供一些关于自己的家乡文化和习俗的知识。 在住宿期间,志愿者将在上午和下午参加2小时的语言课程。
他们还将有机会参观当地学校,并在那里提供帮助。房源住宿计划最好安排在8月至12月,这是大多数当地大型节日的时间。 这为志愿者带来了更令人兴奋的整体体验。尼泊尔文化非常友好和开放,参与者会感觉自己是家庭的一份子。
典型的尼泊尔日开始由长辈(如祖母/母亲或姐妹)打扫房子,如今在西方社会的许多家中丢失。 在尼泊尔,年龄是值得尊敬的。想象一下,您和70岁的祖母或一家10岁的儿子一起去当地市场买蔬菜和其他当天的杂货。或者参加典型的尼泊尔婚礼,这与其他文化非常不同。 大多数尼泊尔家庭允许并欣赏厨房里的帮助,所以请注意,您可能会最终成为一名好的尼泊尔厨师。 这不是我们的事,我们只是喜欢与他人分享生活经历,在这里我们都可以互相学习。 每人每天将收取15美元至20美元的小额费用,其中包括早餐(即面包、鸡蛋、大米布丁、茶、咖啡等)和尼泊尔晚餐(素食咖喱、煮饭、泡菜、达尔汤、鸡肉咖喱等)您可以随时入住。 午餐和晚餐将额外收费,每人每餐4美元,每次都有沙漠、茶和咖啡。
我们使用2间客房和1间浴室,共用双人床和单人床,住户另外使用5间客房。 加德满都城市地图。


友谊之家为寻找不那么传统但更深层次的文化体验的外国游客打造友谊之家为您提供充足的机会,让您沉浸在正宗的联合家庭体系中--尼泊尔方式。 房源位于加德满都谷北侧,距离特里布万国际机场仅5公里。
您会发现足够的当地公共交通工具前往市内主要目的地。 您可以从国际机场乘坐出租车前往FAIKA ( Solu DANDA )。当您抵达FAIKA时,您会看到一个名为SHAMBHALA超市的超市和TRI-JYOTI高中,在它直走后,只需50秒,您会看到通往SOLU-DANDA的广告牌,然后向右转,穿过陡峭的道路,一秒钟后,您会感受到友谊。我的房源就在右侧两个街区之外。 您可以乘坐足够的城市巴士和微型巴士前往泰梅尔( Thamel ) (适合聚会的旅游区)。同样,步行几分钟即可抵达沙姆巴拉超市( SHAMBHALA SUPER MARKET )旁边或出租车站,那里有很多出租车。您可以随时在我家乘坐出租车轻松抵达。 距离药房100米-距离出租车站100米
尼泊尔是一个活动和探险活动丰富的国家。 无论您是寻求冒险还是室内哲学,我们的家庭都很乐意在您入住尼泊尔期间组织您的活动。
利用我们的信任和我们对尼泊尔的卓越了解,从现在开始安排您在现场的活动。 你有具体的计划吗?您正在寻找最适合您的个人资料和欲望的短途旅行? 请随时与我们联系,以便我们为您提供帮助和指导。
在您入住尼泊尔期间,我们寄宿家庭的家庭成员很乐意为您提供有关尼泊尔观光的一些建议。 这里有很多观光景点,历史悠久的尼泊尔的帕坦( Patan )和巴克塔普尔( Bhaktapur )、加德满都的斯瓦扬布纳( Swayambunath )和萨梅尔( Thamel )以及波克哈拉( Pokhara )的山景。 游览尼泊尔。
徒步旅行对游览尼泊尔的人来说显而易见。 从实验徒步旅行者的高峰山脉到初学者更容易的小徒步旅行,我们可以帮助您选择最适合您的体能和探索尼泊尔的羡慕的徒步旅行。(网站隐藏) (网站隐藏) (网站隐藏) (网站隐藏)
丛林野生动物园在尼泊尔丛林野生动物园是一种休息和享受尼泊尔野生大自然的方式,爬大象回来或骑野生动物园的吉普车,有许多方法可以看到尼泊尔独特的动植物,从雄伟的孟加拉国虎到尼泊尔独特的棘手鸟类,鸟类和蛇类探索。 尼泊尔野生动物园......
漂流或皮划艇在尼泊尔是一个尝试的试验,尼泊尔有许多银河水域。 从为那些寻求极端冒险的人提供的几天漂流,到两天的轻松愉快的漂流体验,在尼泊尔有很多享受水的可能性。 在尼泊尔漂流...
通过四家航空公司提供定期航班前往喜马拉雅山的雪峰。 壮丽的山景和美妙的山地飞行体验将为您留下难忘的回忆。
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Friendship Home Stay注册时间:2012年10月
108 条评价


“Live a complete immersive family experience in Nepal. Share your holidays with a typical Nepali family who will host you and guide you in discovery of their rites, culture and believes’’ Friendship Home Stay has established for foreign visitors who are looking for a less conventional but deeper cultural experience Friendship Home Stay provides ample opportunity to immerse oneself in an authentic joint family system - the Nepalese way. The Home is located on the North side of Kathmandu Valley only 5 Km from Tribhuwan International Airport. What is Home Stay??? Home stay is one of the most popular kinds of Bed & Breakfast. Guests are invited in a private house to live with family members. Living with local people is the best way to learn about Nepali culture, religion in an ethic and eco responsibility. The Home stay program allows visitors to Nepal to stay with Nepalese family. The Home stay participant lives with the family -- sleeping in a Nepali home, taking their meals with the family, and maybe even touring the city or celebrating a holiday or birthday with them. The program provides a unique opportunity to learn about Nepali culture, make new friends and extended family, and provide direct assistance to the Nepali people, many of whom are saving for their children and future education. We are specialized in organizing placements in excellent families as paying guests and we have a multi-lingual team highly experienced in this field. Host families are carefully screened and offer comfortable accommodation in single or double rooms. It is possible to choose bed and breakfast, half board or self-catering and there is simple category of accommodation available. It is possible to choose central areas or less central areas. Considering the host families request we are bound to take booking only for a month but possible to renew Nepali home stay in Kathmandu The village life is the most attractive to enjoy. Agriculture life and the lifestyle of Nepali people to experience. Visitors will get to share the real experience of Nepal and Nepalese people through staying with Friendship Nepal Home stay. Our village Kopan (Solu-dada) has natural beauty, surrounded by typical Nepalese houses, agriculture farm, natural forest (Gokarna), beautiful water sources etc. The people living in Kapan (Solu-Dada) are from Tamang, Sherpa, Newar and Brahmin community. Our home stay is located in the capital Kathmandu of Nepal, ideal for holidays in Nepal or for some days of rest before expeditions, Trekking, Tours sightseeing in Kathmandu valley). The Home is located on the North side of Kathmandu Valley only 5 Km from Tribhuwan International Airport. You will find rich cultures and vibrant traditions, exquisite temples and monuments as well as fast flowing rivers and tropical jungles teeming with wildlife, making your trip an unforgettable experience. Home stay environment Regarding Friendship home stay, there is one house in one compound. Where there some more home stay houses around Friendship Home stay. The area of the Friendship Home stay is very clean. We will be provided to our guest at the maximum for Nepali dinner. All guests are treated as family members, and are invited to live as family members, common guest room with TV can be shared with family members. VOLUNTEER PROGRAM: We would like to introduce you to ‘FRIENDSHIP SOCIETY NEPAL’ a non-profit organization we encourage you to spend time volunteering at the home and their local school. Showing interest and showing up is everything! Friendship Home Stay or Friendship World Trek will help you design a program to suit your time and talents. Home stay and cultural exchange programmes can be arranged in most areas of Nepal with our 35 Host families. Participants will be placed with a Nepali family in a small rural village for the duration of their stay. This provides the volunteers with an excellent opportunity to learn about all aspects of Nepali culture, lifestyle, language, food and people. Volunteers should remember that this is a cultural exchange and that an effort to offer some knowledge of their own home culture and customs to the family with whom they stay is appreciated. During their stay, volunteers will attend 2 hours of language lessons in the morning and in the afternoon. They will also have the opportunity to visit and help out at the local school. Home stay programmes are best organised from August to December which is the time when most large local festivals take place. This makes for an overall more exciting experience for the volunteer. Nepali culture is distinctively friendly and open and participants are made to feel as though they are part of the family. Stay with Nepali family in Kathmandu A typical Nepali day begins with cleaning the house by the elders such as grand mother/mother or elder sisters now lost in many homes in western society. Age is revered in Nepal Imagine going to local market with a big bag to shop vegetables and other groceries of the day with a 70 year old grandmother or a 10 year old son of the family. or attending a typical Nepalese wedding ceremony which is very different to other cultures. Most Nepalese families allow and appreciate a helping hand in the kitchen, so be careful you may end up a good Nepali cook. This is not a business for us, we simply enjoy sharing life’s experiences with others where we can all learn from each other. There will be a small charge of US $ 10 .00 To $20.00 per person per day which includes breakfast ( i.e. Bread , Eggs , Rice pudding , Tea, Coffee etc ) and a Nepali dinner ( Veg. curry, Boiled rice, Pickle, Dal soup, Chicken curry etc ) You can stay as long as you want. The lunch and Dinner will be cost extra. We use 3 rooms & 1 bath rooms sharing with double & single beds are available, the resident family uses another 5 rooms. Kathmandu city map. Also available •Tea and coffee making facilities. •Cleaning Service. •Incoming phone. •Information & Arrangements for Trekking, Rafting, Safari. •Bus & Air tickets •Internet facility free •One computer in the room. •One TV in the room. « In our guest house, live in the rhythm of our family, enjoy meals and share our activities, discover all the beauty of our country in a unforgettable and enriching experience, simplicity and pleasure of nepali lifestyle » Guest House in Kathmandu, Nepal The village of Kopan is very near from the town. It is only about five kilometer away from Thamel. KOPAN HOME STAY VILALGE (Tourist Area in Kathmandu) is about 15 minutes drive and about 30 minute drive from the International Airport. You can ask for a taxi to come and drop you (between 500Npr and 700Npr) to go to city, walk during 15 to 25 minutes to arrive to a bigger town, use local transportation for less then 30Npr or use the bicycle provided by Friendship Home Stay. Our Nepali Guest house (Homestay) facilities Friendship Homestay will be charging small amount of US$ 10 to $20 (ask for rates for young and children) per person per day with homely environment which includes bed and breakfast, Nepali Dinner, pick up and drop facilities at the Airport for international flight, tours, and also Bicycle for hanging around Kathmandu. The bathrooms (western style) of our guest house are not attached but very two rooms get to share one bathroom and you have facilities of hot water running in the bathroom with soap/towel and toilet paper. Ecology is one of our priorities, we have compost since several years and the hot water is provided by solar panels. You can also use our phone, fax or internet connection for 24 hours available if needed. Please contact us by using this form for more information about our rates, availability of rooms or any other question regarding our Home stay in Nepal. TARIFF (Rate) The large joint-family house offers 2 double rooms bathrooms and one Triple room. The well equipped dining room and kitchen are available for all to share. City guide, Laundress and Internet connection available: Transportation: 1. Bus or Taxi facilities. 2. Private car and other vehicle facilities. 3. Airport pick-up and departure facilities. If any one interested in Mani Rimdu festival. Mr. Nima can arrange for the trip. Charges: Negoatiable Single room (1 person) $15 per night including breakfast and dinner. Double room (2 persons) $25 per night including breakfast and dinner. Student single rate $15 per night including breakfast and dinner. Long-term rates are negotiable. Extras:- laundress: Rs. 100/- per hour. Internet connection: Free for 24 hours Mr. Nima Dorjee Tamang is a Managing Director, Trekking Instructor and Guide of 'Friendship World Trek' Trekking and Expeditions (P). Ltd. He was born in a traditional mountain village in the Solukhumbu district of Nepal, close to the Mount Everest region and home to the Sherpa and Tamang people. He always thinks to give good Knowledge about the trekking, mountains and good service and service. He'll do it for $25 per day. Professional city guide: $50 per Day. Help for your Expeditions in Nepal Successful activities thanks to our tips and tricks Nepal is a country rich in activities and expeditions. Whether you seek for adventure or interior philosophy, our family will feel happy to organize your activities during your stay in Nepal. Take benefits of our trust and our excellent knowledge of Nepal, to arrange, from now on your activities on the spot. You have concrete plans? You are seeking for excursions the most adapted to your profile and your desires? Do not hesitate to contact us so that we can help you and guide in your choices. Nepal Sightseeing Discover Nepali culture by sightseeing in Nepal During your stay in Nepal, the family member of our homestay will be pleased to give you some advices about sightseeing in Nepal. There are many places for sightseeing, Patan and Bhaktapur for historical Nepal, Swayambhunath and thamel in Kathmandu and Pokhara for mountain views. Visit Nepal. Trekking in Nepal Trekking expedition in Himalayas of Nepal Trekking in Nepal is obvious for those who come to visit Nepal. From high peaks mountains for experimented trekkers to small and easier trekking for beginners, we can help you in the choice of the trekking the most adapted to your physical capacity and your envy of discovering Nepal. Jungle Safari Enjoy jungle safari in the Nepali national parks Jungle safari in Nepal is a way to rest a little and enjoy the wild nature of Nepal, climbing on elephant back or riding on a safari jeep, there are many ways to see the unique fauna and flora of Nepal, from the majestic Bengal tiger to the unique gangetic dophin of Nepal, birds and snake species to discover. Safari Nepal... Rafting in Nepal Experiment rafting and kayaking in silver water rivers Rafting or kayaking in Nepal is a experiment to try, Nepal has numerous silver water river. From several day rafting for those who are seeking extreme adventure to easy and pleasant rafting experience of one of two days, there are huge possibilities to enjoy water in Nepal. Rafting Nepal... Mountain Flight Over four airlines offer regular flights into the snow-capped peaks of the Himalaya. Spectacular views of the mountains with a wonderful mountain flight experience will leave with you unforgettable memories. Hot Air Ballooning in Nepal Hot Air Balloon for Mountain views lasts for 1 to 2 hours and is one of the most thrilling and exciting adventures in Nepal. Thank you Friendship Home Stay Kopan village E-mail:




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加德满都民宿 · 独立房间 | 加德满都


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Kathmandu, Nepal的民宿
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加德满都民宿 · 酒店式公寓的房间 | 加德满都

Aarya Khasti公寓

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加德满都民宿 · 独立房间 | 加德满都


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Budhanilkantha民宿 · 独立房间 | Budhanilkantha


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加德满都民宿 · 独立房间 | 加德满都


· 超赞房东
Kapan民宿 · 独立房间 | Kapan

Kapan Gumba附近安静的公寓或房间

加德满都民宿 · 独立房间 | 加德满都


加德满都民宿 · 独立房间 | 加德满都


加德满都民宿 · 独立房间 | 加德满都


Bagmati民宿 · 独立房间 | Bagmati


Nagarjun民宿 · 整套出租单元 | Nagarjun


· 超赞房东
加德满都民宿 · 独立房间 | 加德满都


· 超赞房东
加德满都民宿 · 整套出租单元 | 加德满都


加德满都民宿 · 整套酒店式公寓 | 加德满都


· 超赞房东
加德满都民宿 · 酒店房间 | 加德满都


加德满都民宿 · 酒店房间 | 加德满都


加德满都民宿 · 独立房间 | 加德满都



