
Suria KLCC Mall



Starry Home
May 26, 2019
Located in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, Suria KLCC is the most iconic premier shopping destination in Malaysia. A world-class complex of over 1.17 million square feet, it is the place to go for the best shopping, dining and entertainment experience. With more than 300 specialty stores, Suria KLCC offers an exclusive blend of renowned international fashion brands, flagship stores, unique concept stores and more. From the hottest global fashion trends to the latest high-tech home gadgets, you can find it all here under one roof. 高档次的购物商场让人有距离感,氛围总是肃清冷酷。但阳光购物中心却独有贴近人群的魅力,这里不管周日或周末,不分时段来光顾的人潮络绎不绝。阳光购物中心位在吉隆坡着名地标――双子星塔的底部。其底部是连接着六层楼的购物商场建筑,多数当地人统称为KLCC,除了意指双子星塔,也包括阳光购物中心(Suria KLCC)。购物商场的底层又与轻轨KLCC站相连,为前往商场的人群提供了便捷交通。购物商场外围则是吉隆坡的观光景点,例如城中城公园(KLCC Park)和吉隆坡会展中心(Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre)。阳光购物商场集结各种国际时装丶名设计师大作等300多家专门店,当中陈列的国内外品牌包括Chanel丶Gucci丶Banana Republic丶miu miu丶Jimmy Choo丶Aigner丶Escada等。商场各角落末端分别进驻百货公司丶Cold Storage超市丶电影院以及美食广场。百货公司诸如日本的伊势丹(Isetan)丶英国的玛莎百货(Marks & Spencer)以及马来西亚的百盛(Parkson)。美食广场分别在二楼和四楼,有亚洲风味和综合美食二类型。
Located in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, Suria KLCC is the most iconic premier shopping destination in Malaysia. A world-class complex of over 1.17 million square feet, it is the place to go for the best shopping, dining and entertainment experience. With more than 300 specialty stores, Suria KLCC off…
April 24, 2020
Experience shopping, dining and entertainment at the most iconic shopping destination in Malaysia. The Epitome of Retail Experiences Suria KLCC, the epitome of shopping in Kuala Lumpur offers retail experiences that keep customers coming back. Visitors are spoilt with more than 340 specialty stores under one roof within its world-class complex of 1 million square feet. 吉隆坡双子塔高452米,共88层。下层是KLCC,里面从平价品牌到 奢侈品牌一应俱全。除了购物,还有一个国油展览馆 (Petrosains),是一个将知识融入到游戏中的科学探索馆。 KLCC上层是办公楼,可以乘坐电梯到达位于41层的Sky Bridge(􏰀 桥)和86层的双子塔展厅,从高空俯瞰吉隆坡市全景,但是需要购 买门票。塔下有KLCC公园和水上乐园,公园人造湖的音乐喷泉每隔 不久就会喷一次。除了可以在湖边欣赏、拍照外,还可以在KLCC楼 上的Food Court或Chili's西餐厅临窗处俯瞰。水上乐园和儿童乐园 是在一起的,很适合小孩子去玩耍,可以穿泳衣或者穿T恤短裤下 水。
Experience shopping, dining and entertainment at the most iconic shopping destination in Malaysia. The Epitome of Retail Experiences Suria KLCC, the epitome of shopping in Kuala Lumpur offers retail experiences that keep customers coming back. Visitors are spoilt with more than 340 specialty store…
Myracle Suites
March 9, 2016
August 24, 2022
The KLCC is the centre of attraction for tourists and locals in the golden triangle area. Can be reach easily by foot ( about 1km) or by subway ( 1 stop ).
August 5, 2022
Suria KLCC is located in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, its the most iconic premier shopping destination in Malaysia.




Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur