



Jom And Mary
August 10, 2016
这个古怪的寺庙约500m西北沙田站值得参观的上坡路。建于上世纪50年代,复杂其实包含超过10000佛。约12800个微型雕像线的主要寺庙墙壁和几十个真人大小的黄金雕像如来佛祖的追随者旁边的陡峭台阶导致修道院复杂。有几个寺庙和亭台楼阁分裂两个层次,以及一九层宝塔。 到达修道院,在沙田站出口B,沿斜坡走,在左边的牛头村经过一系列传统房屋。向左走到排头街,右转上禾輋街这条路的尽头,在一系列英语标志将引导你沿着一条水泥路,左通竹林有400级台阶通往修道院的第一。
Javesom And Jacob
February 20, 2017
March 18, 2017
This quirky temple about 500m northwest of Sha Tin station is worth the uphill hike to visit. Built in the 1950s, the complex actually contains more than 10,000 Buddhas. Some 12,800 miniature statues line the walls of the main temple and dozens of life-sized golden statues of Buddha’s followers flank the steep steps leading to the monastery complex. There are several temples and pavilions split over two levels, as well as a nine-storey pagoda. To reach the monastery, take exit B at Sha Tin station and walk down the ramp, passing a series of traditional houses at Pai Tau Village on the left. Take the left onto Pai Tau St, and turn right onto Sheung Wo Che St.
This quirky temple about 500m northwest of Sha Tin station is worth the uphill hike to visit. Built in the 1950s, the complex actually contains more than 10,000 Buddhas. Some 12,800 miniature statues line the walls of the main temple and dozens of life-sized golden statues of Buddha’s followers flan…
June 15, 2015
Built in the 1950s, the temples on the upper terrace are dedicated to various Buddhist deities and overlook the entire Sha Tin valley.
November 27, 2017
Great temples and ten thousand buddha statues.


New Territories
Sha Tin