



October 25, 2019
华欣夜生活中人气最旺的,一定是夜市。一条长街,货品林林总总,衣服、工艺品、水果、流动酒吧、各种熟食、大排档,应有尽有!尤其是夜市上的海鲜,鲜鱼、大虾、肉蟹、龙虾、鱿鱼。。。这里的餐厅都会把自家海鲜摆在门口的冰块上,游客从门口经过,八成就会被个头夸张的大头虾、螃蟹和龙虾吸引,走不出多远便被俘虏了。入座,选了喜欢的海鲜后,和老板协商好海鲜的做法,最正宗最地道的泰式海鲜马上出炉,质量和价格的双重保证,绝对让你赞叹不虚此行。    华欣的夜市,不能错过。 悠闲、热闹、美味不足以描述这个城市的另一面。
July 27, 2016
这里可以买东西,吃当地小吃,吃大排档海鲜,享受真正泰国露天市场的热闹气氛!Hua Hin night market the place that you get all the Thailand experience in one place!
May 2, 2020
No matter how much upscale shopping you do in Thailand, nothing beats the authentic feel of a local night market—a chance to soak up the atmosphere and experience real Thai market culture. Night markets often have no rhyme or reason in Thailand—and Hua Hin's night market is no exception. Here, you'll find arts and crafts next to cheap snacks (don't be too shocked at the deep-fried insect snacks for sale) and stalls offering apparel.
No matter how much upscale shopping you do in Thailand, nothing beats the authentic feel of a local night market—a chance to soak up the atmosphere and experience real Thai market culture. Night markets often have no rhyme or reason in Thailand—and Hua Hin's night market is no exception. Here, you'l…
January 20, 2020
This is the iconic night market of Hua-Hin. A must-see if you like shopping and great bargains. You can also have freshly grilled seafood at one of the restaurants.
August 27, 2019
Fun market for food and shopping
หัวหิน 72
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