



January 12, 2022
The Palace of Fine Arts that is in the Marina District of San Francisco, California is a monumental structure originally constructed for the 1915 Panama-Pacific Exposition in order to exhibit works of art. Completely rebuilt from 1964 to 1974,it is the only structure from the Exposition that survives on site. 旧金山艺术宫,本来是100年前巴拿马“太平洋万国博览会”所盖的临时建筑之一,却因高超的艺术设计和雄伟壮观的古罗马式宫殿建筑,被当地有识之士和市民联名建议被永久保存下来。这座已经走过100多个年头的艺术宫,已成为旧金山最美的地方之一,也是游客旧金山之行必到的景点之一。这里也是电影《何以笙箫默》拍摄地之一。艺术宫与金门大桥、渔人码头在一条游览线路上,相距不远,艺术宫在中间位置。建议游览线路是先看金门大桥、再看艺术宫,最后到渔人码头,这样的好处是不绕路,而且符合体力消耗的规律,更主要的是最后来渔人码头可以坐下来好好享受海鲜美食了!从金门大桥坐车过来,你可以看到一片片的绿色草坪,美丽的天鹅等鸟类在湖水中游弋,许多孩子和家人带着宠物狗在草坪上快乐玩耍,在古罗马式的宫殿的映衬下,仿佛穿越到了古希腊仙境般的欧式花园,令人心旷神怡!艺术宫这里是不收门票的,很多拍婚纱照的新人都来这里取景留念。在落日晚霞时分过来尤其美。 旧金山是全球同性恋的大本营,同性恋已公开化、合法化!艺术宫,大气宏伟、又典雅精致。主体建筑是一个圆形的大厅,两边对称地修建了两排拱门石柱,仿佛来到了古罗马的宫殿废墟。走入主体建筑,可以看到整个环岛都是艺术雕塑, 罗马式的圆顶配上玫瑰红的石柱,顶面上点缀着精细的浮雕,形态各异,栩栩如生。艺术宫周边的环境优美,绿树成荫,鲜花盛开,水池中还有野鸭和天鹅在翩翩游弋,水中倒映着艺术宫的金色倒影,让人流连忘返。来这里的游客不是很多,但在这里散步、拍婚纱的当地居民很多。艺术宫正面是湖水与绿地,风景超美,也是豪宅汇集地,据说是当地最贵的区域!小编很喜欢这里,个人认为是旧金山必去景点之一,从内部珍稀的展览品,到外部精致的造型和水上倒影,都值得好好欣赏一番。 在这中优美的环境下,沐浴阳光,发发呆,欣赏欣赏艺术,想想都是惬意幸福的。实用贴士: 地址: 3601 Lyon Street, San Francisco, CA 94123 开放时间: 6:00-21:00 门票:免费 交通: 位于市区,有公交车直达这里;如自驾,这里也免费停车; 游览时间:1小时; 线路:附近有金门大桥等著名景点;游览线路是先看金门大桥、再看艺术宫,最后到渔人码头品美食休息; 食宿:就在市区,各类宾馆饭店齐全,附近的渔人码头海鲜很美味!
The Palace of Fine Arts that is in the Marina District of San Francisco, California is a monumental structure originally constructed for the 1915 Panama-Pacific Exposition in order to exhibit works of art. Completely rebuilt from 1964 to 1974,it is the only structure from the Exposition that survive…
July 15, 2022
Located on Lyon Street, the Palace of Fine Arts stands as an overwhelmingly scenic spectacle for people of all ages to wander and become inspired by. There is a bucolic air of prestige here, as stepping in and gazing up at the striking filigree will fill you with a sense of wonder and admiration. This legendary site is not only a historical achievement, but also as a true testament to San Francisco’s enduring creativity and perseverance for its devoted community. With its ethereal setting and historic ambiance, the iconic Palace of Fine Arts is a memorable must-see attraction for anyone visiting San Francisco.
Located on Lyon Street, the Palace of Fine Arts stands as an overwhelmingly scenic spectacle for people of all ages to wander and become inspired by. There is a bucolic air of prestige here, as stepping in and gazing up at the striking filigree will fill you with a sense of wonder and admiration. T…
May 10, 2022
It's beautiful during the daytime and nighttime. I run by here and through here often.
January 24, 2022
Great art museum with fantastic views of the ocean and the Golden Gate Bridge nearby
November 15, 2021
The Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco is the last remaining structure from the 1915 Panama Pacific Exposition. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, this classical looking building is beautifully situated on a lagoon that reflects the mirror image on the surface of the calm water, while ducks and geese drift by.




3601 Lyon St
San Francisco, CA
Marina District