



Aromdii 的泰式烹饪课和集市之旅
Market tour (approx 15-20 minutes) - Show you about Thai veggies using in the class - Walk around, take photo or buy some spice back home At cooking school (approx 4.30 hours) - Class will be started from stir fried - Soup & Appetizer - Dessert & Curry (Making curry paste from scratch) You can choose one from each and no need to decide with the group! 1. Stir fried - Pad Thai - Fried drunken noodles - Pad See Ew - Fried cashew nut 2. Appetizer - Papaya Salad - Fresh spring rolls - Fried spring rolls - Fruits salad 3. Soup - Hot & Sour Prawns clear soup - Coconut chicken - Tom Yum Chicken - Hot & Sour Prawns thick soup 4. Curry + Curry paste - Khao Soi (Chiangmai noodles) - Green curry - Massaman curry - Red curry 5. Dessert - Mango sticky rice - Pumpkin in coconut Price included; - Welcome snack & Seasonal fruits - Bottle water - Handmade recipe (PDF File) - Transportation within 3 kms. from Aromdii Cooking School - Transportation is offered within 3 kilometers from Aromdii Cooking School - Guests stay far away from our place, please come to meet us directly at the market. - Visitor ( No visitor please! Reserved seat for participants only)
Get your taste buds ready because there is nothing quite like Northern Thai cuisine. We limit our daily small-group street food tour to just 8 exclusive guests. We’ll bounce between 5-6 different spots using our own private songthaew truck to try more than 15 different tastings from street stalls to fresh markets. We’ll delve into the history and eating culture. Try the braised pork in five spices at a vendor once visited by Anthony Bourdain, visit my favourite street food spots, and one of the best food markets in the country. Here we’ll eat and learn about the different ingredients that go into making the Thai dishes. You simply can’t visit Northern Thailand within trying the herby larb, sticky gaeng hang lay curry and sai oua sausage. Nor can you skip the tea and tamarind leaf salads brought in during the two centuries of Burmese rule. Sold out? Ask us about our lunchtime tour also! (Sorry, this tour is not suitable for vegetarians and pescatarians, as you'll have to miss several dishes, with few alternatives available. If you don't eat pork, it's only suitable if you don't mind skipping a couple of dishes. A gluten intolerance is ok but only if soy sauce can be consumed. Shrimp paste makes its way into many dishes, so severe shellfish allergies are not recommended. For any food allergies, please message us before booking)
Annie 带你玩清迈粘性瀑布
The Sticky Waterfalls are located in Mae Taeng area, about 50 minutes from Chiang Mai's old city. Note: Earth temperature water (warm all year round) Free pick-up/drop-off at your hotel in Chiang Mai Old Town. Group discount (5 - 9 pax). No swimming. 2 - 80 years can join. Required: walk (up and down) stairs, and rocks. First, we'll take a quick break at Air Diamond Cafe, where you can grab a cup of coffee, snap some fantastic photos with your friends and family. Then, we'll journey into a cave, where you'll learn about the fascinating history behind the Sticky Waterfalls. Then, we'll visit the sacred spring, where locals believe in its healing properties, and the spirit house for a glimpse into traditional Thai beliefs. Next up, get ready to explore and walk on the famous Sticky Waterfalls! You'll get your heart pumping as you climb rocks, and trek through the surrounding nature. For the ultimate rejuvenating experience, lie down on one of the rocks and let the water rush over you! After our adventure, we'll change into fresh clothes and indulge in an authentic Thai lunch created by a local chef. (Vegetarian and vegan options are available.) Then, we'll say goodbye to this unforgettable experience and head back to the city. Highlights: Air Diamond Cafe, Bua Thong Cave, the sacred spring & the spirit house, explore the Sticky Waterfalls, and Thai lunch.
"For all customers, we provide a convenient pick-up service from their hotels.(Reduce 5 Km from Chiangmai downtown) Our first stop is the local market inside the old city of Chiang Mai, where you'll have the opportunity to learn, touch, and taste all the ingredients and seasonings that make Thai cuisine so special. After this immersive market experience, we'll head back to our cooking school, where a welcome snack awaits before we begin the class. Morning Class Time: 8 am - 1 pm Evening Class Time: 3 pm - 8 pm About the Courses and Activities: Customers can choose one course from each category: Stir-fry (Pad Thai, Pad See Ew, Stir-fry Cashew Nut with Chicken, Stir-fry Holy Basil) Soup (Tom Yum, Chicken in Coconut Milk, Seafood in Coconut Milk, Hot and Sour Chicken) Appetizer (Papaya Salad, Spring Roll, Glass Noodle Salad, Fish Cake) Making Fresh Curry Paste from Scratch Curry (Green Curry, Red Curry, Panang Curry, Yellow Curry) Dessert (Sticky Rice Mango, Pumpkin in Coconut Milk, Water Chestnut in Coconut Milk, Fried Banana) Vegetarian and vegan options are available Our private classes accommodate a maximum of 8 people During the class, we'll guide you step by step through the preparation of five popular and stunning Thai dishes, explaining the herbs and ingredients used in each one. Each participant will have their own cooking and prep station. Please , come hungry!!
这个页面上的中文内容旨在帮助您理解我们的活动形式。在进行活动时我会讲英文,但不要担心我会用简单的英文不会太难懂。摄影教程也可以使用肢体语言。 你有拍过胶片相机吗?那胶片双镜相机呢?如果没有也不用担心,因为这次活动将给你全新的古典体验。本体验将让你用到“禄来柯德”,禄来柯德诞生于1920年的德国高端古典品牌。这品牌相机也曾在《寻找薇薇安·迈尔》电影中出现。想了解胶片相机的朋友们请注意了 可别错过了喔!机会难得 我们会简单了解一下胶片相机,希望这次体验会让你爱上Analog摄影的魅力。 ●首先我会和你们解释古典相机的种类,会看到跟随时间的设计变化。 ●实际体验。你会学习怎么使用“1962年禄来柯德”。我们会先在院子里拍,要注意的是我们只有12张图可以拍。所以尽力发挥喔! ●然后到悟孟寺周边带给你惊喜,这里是当地人住宅同时也是著名的艺术区。我们会边走边拍,可以随意发挥随意取景。 ●最后我会把胶片去冲洗,在一星期时间我会把你们亲手拍的作品发到邮箱。如果你还留在清迈我也会把交卷给你留着,是可以保存100年喔! 请注意本活动不是跟拍活动,我们活动是让你了解并亲自体会胶片相机摄影。如需要我可以帮你拍2-3张。 其他注意事项 以下的中文内容是为了让您明白我们的活动形式。在进行活动时我会讲英文,但不要担心我会用简单的英文不会太难懂。摄影教程也可以使用肢体语言。


**NOTED: Transportation, Entrance tickets, and meal&snack fee "EXCLUDED FROM MAIN PACKAGE" Please prepare and pay per actual usage in CASH ONLY on-site. Our price is a fixed price per group of 2-4 people (kids are always free). If you need more dates/ customized plans or a group of more than 4 adults, please PM** Immersed yourself with your partner or family in local culture at the unique temples and places in town. With my photography skills, we'll spend time taking some pictures with master composition while you admire an unforgettable private experience to witness through your own eyes. In addition, if you need real authentic information. As a local, I'll share with you more hidden places and tips for a better vacation. Ultimately, all photos taken during the trip will sent to you as a souvenir which you can not find anywhere else. It will make your trip more wonderful and memorable. Highlight: 1)Able to choose the selected places/themes you like after RSVN 2)Prime lense&camera with A-pro 3)Exclusive private session 4)All edited photos will be on the cloud 1 year for downloading. Gear: SONY A7M3 +FE135GM+FE16-35zeiss+FE55F1.8ziess Time: 1hrs Age: Everyone can join in Who can join: Couple, Family, proposing or Gift for your love, who'd like to have magic photos Check more photos and style IG: happybirdtour
这个页面上的中文内容旨在帮助您理解我们的活动形式。但在健行的活动期间我会说英文,但不要担心喔!我会用很简单的英文进行,不会太难懂! 让神圣旅程开始您美好的一天!我们会从400米海拔走到1000米海拔。在我们远足的过程会路过两个寺庙是“Wat Pha Lat”(Pha Lat寺)和 “Wat Phra That Doi Suthep” (双龙寺) 是保留佛陀的遗迹寺庙。但不用担心喔下山的时候我们会一起坐车下来。 我们会在早上5点半在山底见面。我们会走几十年前僧侣曾徒步过的路线,可以感受之前他们的艰难与不易。徒步会分成2部分。第一部分在天没亮的时候我们会轻松地走,幸运的话我们会遇到修道寺的人走下来。然后我们会到达第一个寺庙Pha Lat寺,很漂亮且隐瞒在森林里的寺庙别具一格,我们会在这里小憩片刻,了解佛教文化并享受徐徐升起的日出。 倘若您觉得太累或者疲劳我们有提供接送车服务,从寺庙上车送您到我们目的地。我会带领其余的客人选择徒步抵达,最后在目的地集合。 接着真正的远足会开始!第二部分会比之前挑战很多,因为大部分都是上坡的。我们会看到小瀑布和不同的清迈风景。徒步的终点是靠近双龙寺的主路,您会有一点时间休息或者自己观看。我会在双龙寺外面安排车带我们下山(可送到玛雅商场或者宁曼路)。 其他注意事项 请注意本活动没有包含双龙寺的门票(30泰铢/人) 到我们见面地点的最简单的方式就是用Grab叫车(类似国内的滴滴叫车、优步app),或者让我安排车去接(另外付费)。 以下的中文内容是为了让您明白我们的活动形式。在进行活动时我会讲英文,但不要担心我会用简单的英文不会太难懂。
I live in Choeng Doi, just outside of Chiang Mai on a beautiful property surrounded by naturally flowing stream and rice fields. While in a quiet rural setting it is close distance to urban facilities, restaurants, local markets, and temples. ***** I 'd like to invite you to REST, RELAX, and REFRESH in the beautiful nature and to experience THAI CULTURE, plus to ENJOY delicious AUTHENTIC THAI cooked meal. Yoga and Mindfulness Retreat in Nature 1.We can start our day with 30 to 60 min of morning mindful walking and guided sitting meditation. It’s depend on how comfortable you feel 2.Afterward we’ll explore our neighbor’s rice field and learn about the rice cycle 3.Then we will practice 60 minutes (depend on how comfortable you feel) of morning yoga in my studio or in our beautiful garden, which is big enough to hold 20 people). I will adapt to your level or eventual limitations. 4.After yoga practice, we will share a delicious lunch that I prepare myself. 5.Later Wat Phra That Doi Saket Temple : Breathtaking temple! (10 min bike from our property) and the very nice and authentic local market nearby. Note: After a half day of practice and explore in nature you will already feel more energetic and clear minded. In my opinion you should come back and stay a few more more nights to rejuvenate your holidays
Chani 带你徒步探险
I will take you on a day trip through the beautiful rain forest of Doi Suthep - Pui National Park covering the mountains around Chiang Mai. We will start at Wat Phra That Doi Suthep, the famous buddha temple overlooking the city. From this landmark we will make our way up to a Hmong village called "Khun Chang Khian" where we will rest our legs and have lunch. After lunch we will continue our hike and enjoy beautiful views over the mountains at "Doi Hua Moo" view point (the pigtail hill top). From there we shall wander along a bird watching trail to finish the hike. We will hike 15 km with approximately 1000 m of elevation. Other things to note Don't forget to bring a raincoat, sun protection cream and mosquito repellent. Most important are a good camera and a good mood :-)
Take a journey to the past, immersing in Chiangmai's unique and vibrant history through the art of storytelling. Collecting the clues and joining the dots. Uncovering the amazing stories that you would never hear from any official guide. Walk away with the newfound understanding of Chiangmai Culture, your next trip to the old city won't ever be the same again.


At Grandma’s Home Cooking School, we do not only teach you how to cook traditional Thai dishes but also culturally give you some tricks so you can adapt, find substitute ingredients in your own country, cook by yourself, and spend time cooking with your beloved family. After picking you up from the hotel, we will spice up your morning with a small journey to a local Thai fresh market. There, you will experience the actual culture and vibe of the people in the community. It might seem a bit chaotic from the outside view but, after spending some time there, you’ll feel a warm-hearted welcoming without being noticed. Also we will give a closer look at the local varieties of Thai seasoning, sauce, and paste for our menu. At this point, you’ll learn how and what they are made of. In Northern Thai, the people are family-oriented, therefore, we don’t just go out, do the shopping, cook, and eat. We spend and enjoy quality time together with the family and that is how we learn our traditional cooking process from generations for centuries. At the school, the first thing we’ll do is to explore our farm. We have a mushroom house, chicken barn, and vegetable garden. They are all 100% organic.There you will learn how to choose the vegetables before we roll. Our school is 100% eco-friendly and sustainable.Join us and experience grandma’s love at Grandma’s Home Cooking School
Chiangmai Take care of elephants and sticky waterfalls
The top things to do in Chiangmai for 8 hours, you won't forget. In the beginning, We'll first stop to see process how to make recycle paper from elephants poop and decorate your own DIY bookmark. After that drive next to freshen up your day with splashing water at unique and beautiful sticky waterfalls. The surface is sticky limestone made by nature with our local guides who are experts and friendly hosts. And the last, to be up close to the big giant that rescued them from hard work before. To improve the well-being of their better life. We'll prepare their food and medicine balls for them and feed them and play with them with love. Walk and see them in nature and bathe them in the river. This experience is wholly owned and managed by local people who love and care for elephants. Noted with Thanks: *For elephants poopoo paper starts from 2 people on the tour. If on that day just only 1 people or solo traveler have to join with the group without elephants poopoo paper. For private group, We can customize the tour as you wish.
Visit Wat Pha Lat, stop on the way to Doi Suthep, small trekking thru the prettiest forest to the temple. This hidden temple is a beautiful haven of peace, in a garden with beautiful statues. Then visit Doi Suthep Temple, the Buddhist temple draped in gold, one of northern Thailand's most sacred temples. And enjoy the panoramic view from the top of the mountain over the city and the land below is so breathtaking.
Day Trip to the Colorful Chiang Rai Temples from Chiang Mai
Go on a small group tour from Chiang Mai to Chiang Rai and discover the unique and stunning architecture of this Northern Thailand city. Visit the famous White Temple, the impressive Blue Temple's details, and the unique Black House. We'll visit the White Temple, an architectural masterpiece designed and built by famous local artist Chaloemchai Khositphiphat. Up next, we'll stop at the Blue Temple or Wat Rong Seua Ten, which literally translates to ‘temple of the dancing tiger.’ It was built on a site where tigers were said to have jumped over the river. Our last stop of the day is the Black House, which serves as a chilly art exhibit, featuring pieces that date back to the Ayutthaya period. Important Information: Pick-up area: Major areas of downtown Chiang Mai within a 2 km radius of the Tha Pae Gate (Chiang Mai City area). Kindly provide the name of your hotel and your hotel address before completing payment. Dress code: Clothes revealing the shoulders, underarms, back, and knees are not allowed in some sites on this tour; implementation may be strict. Kindly bring a sarong/scarf/sweater to cover up or wear clothes that fit the dress code.
Pickup at your places. We then drive up to the mountains peak to participate morning monks chanting and practice basic meditation for beginners to get the positive energy for the day for 5-10 minutes while the monks are chanting. After that we head to the great spot to watch SUNRISE and play with the Sunrise. We are expert and we will help you to get a great picture before start to experience Alms offering to Buddhist monks and get holy blessing from them for lucks in return and Learn more about Buddhism, monks daily life and enjoy stunning city views of Chiangmai town from the peak of the mountains and listen to the sound of nature surroundings and enjoy the Serene and peace. ( We provide food for Alms offering to monks for you as well ) . After that we continue to visit Wat Phalat, ( A hidden temple to experience Lanna or CNX Architecture. This is a great place for nature lovers. The jungle and waterfalls will help you to relax and release your stressful. before getting back to your hotel in town. This is A fantastic activity to do before YOU LEAVE Chiangmai. A Must Experience in Chiangmai to learn Real Thai Culture. First time i created this early trip in 2012. There are many people thought it was crazy trip. But it is truth ! it is a beautiful crazy trip. Don't miss... Note: This activity will be finished around 8:40-9:00 am.


Day Trip to the Colorful Chiang Rai Temples from Chiang Mai
Go on a small group tour from Chiang Mai to Chiang Rai and discover the unique and stunning architecture of this Northern Thailand city. Visit the famous White Temple, the impressive Blue Temple's details, and the unique Black House. We'll visit the White Temple, an architectural masterpiece designed and built by famous local artist Chaloemchai Khositphiphat. Up next, we'll stop at the Blue Temple or Wat Rong Seua Ten, which literally translates to ‘temple of the dancing tiger.’ It was built on a site where tigers were said to have jumped over the river. Our last stop of the day is the Black House, which serves as a chilly art exhibit, featuring pieces that date back to the Ayutthaya period. Important Information: Pick-up area: Major areas of downtown Chiang Mai within a 2 km radius of the Tha Pae Gate (Chiang Mai City area). Kindly provide the name of your hotel and your hotel address before completing payment. Dress code: Clothes revealing the shoulders, underarms, back, and knees are not allowed in some sites on this tour; implementation may be strict. Kindly bring a sarong/scarf/sweater to cover up or wear clothes that fit the dress code.
Aromdii 的泰式烹饪课和集市之旅
Market tour (approx 15-20 minutes) - Show you about Thai veggies using in the class - Walk around, take photo or buy some spice back home At cooking school (approx 4.30 hours) - Class will be started from stir fried - Soup & Appetizer - Dessert & Curry (Making curry paste from scratch) You can choose one from each and no need to decide with the group! 1. Stir fried - Pad Thai - Fried drunken noodles - Pad See Ew - Fried cashew nut 2. Appetizer - Papaya Salad - Fresh spring rolls - Fried spring rolls - Fruits salad 3. Soup - Hot & Sour Prawns clear soup - Coconut chicken - Tom Yum Chicken - Hot & Sour Prawns thick soup 4. Curry + Curry paste - Khao Soi (Chiangmai noodles) - Green curry - Massaman curry - Red curry 5. Dessert - Mango sticky rice - Pumpkin in coconut Price included; - Welcome snack & Seasonal fruits - Bottle water - Handmade recipe (PDF File) - Transportation within 3 kms. from Aromdii Cooking School - Transportation is offered within 3 kilometers from Aromdii Cooking School - Guests stay far away from our place, please come to meet us directly at the market. - Visitor ( No visitor please! Reserved seat for participants only)
Visit Wat Pha Lat, stop on the way to Doi Suthep, small trekking thru the prettiest forest to the temple. This hidden temple is a beautiful haven of peace, in a garden with beautiful statues. Then visit Doi Suthep Temple, the Buddhist temple draped in gold, one of northern Thailand's most sacred temples. And enjoy the panoramic view from the top of the mountain over the city and the land below is so breathtaking.
At Grandma’s Home Cooking School, we do not only teach you how to cook traditional Thai dishes but also culturally give you some tricks so you can adapt, find substitute ingredients in your own country, cook by yourself, and spend time cooking with your beloved family. After picking you up from the hotel, we will spice up your morning with a small journey to a local Thai fresh market. There, you will experience the actual culture and vibe of the people in the community. It might seem a bit chaotic from the outside view but, after spending some time there, you’ll feel a warm-hearted welcoming without being noticed. Also we will give a closer look at the local varieties of Thai seasoning, sauce, and paste for our menu. At this point, you’ll learn how and what they are made of. In Northern Thai, the people are family-oriented, therefore, we don’t just go out, do the shopping, cook, and eat. We spend and enjoy quality time together with the family and that is how we learn our traditional cooking process from generations for centuries. At the school, the first thing we’ll do is to explore our farm. We have a mushroom house, chicken barn, and vegetable garden. They are all 100% organic.There you will learn how to choose the vegetables before we roll. Our school is 100% eco-friendly and sustainable.Join us and experience grandma’s love at Grandma’s Home Cooking School
Chiangmai Take care of elephants and sticky waterfalls
The top things to do in Chiangmai for 8 hours, you won't forget. In the beginning, We'll first stop to see process how to make recycle paper from elephants poop and decorate your own DIY bookmark. After that drive next to freshen up your day with splashing water at unique and beautiful sticky waterfalls. The surface is sticky limestone made by nature with our local guides who are experts and friendly hosts. And the last, to be up close to the big giant that rescued them from hard work before. To improve the well-being of their better life. We'll prepare their food and medicine balls for them and feed them and play with them with love. Walk and see them in nature and bathe them in the river. This experience is wholly owned and managed by local people who love and care for elephants. Noted with Thanks: *For elephants poopoo paper starts from 2 people on the tour. If on that day just only 1 people or solo traveler have to join with the group without elephants poopoo paper. For private group, We can customize the tour as you wish.
Get your taste buds ready because there is nothing quite like Northern Thai cuisine. We limit our daily small-group street food tour to just 8 exclusive guests. We’ll bounce between 5-6 different spots using our own private songthaew truck to try more than 15 different tastings from street stalls to fresh markets. We’ll delve into the history and eating culture. Try the braised pork in five spices at a vendor once visited by Anthony Bourdain, visit my favourite street food spots, and one of the best food markets in the country. Here we’ll eat and learn about the different ingredients that go into making the Thai dishes. You simply can’t visit Northern Thailand within trying the herby larb, sticky gaeng hang lay curry and sai oua sausage. Nor can you skip the tea and tamarind leaf salads brought in during the two centuries of Burmese rule. Sold out? Ask us about our lunchtime tour also! (Sorry, this tour is not suitable for vegetarians and pescatarians, as you'll have to miss several dishes, with few alternatives available. If you don't eat pork, it's only suitable if you don't mind skipping a couple of dishes. A gluten intolerance is ok but only if soy sauce can be consumed. Shrimp paste makes its way into many dishes, so severe shellfish allergies are not recommended. For any food allergies, please message us before booking)
Pickup at your places. We then drive up to the mountains peak to participate morning monks chanting and practice basic meditation for beginners to get the positive energy for the day for 5-10 minutes while the monks are chanting. After that we head to the great spot to watch SUNRISE and play with the Sunrise. We are expert and we will help you to get a great picture before start to experience Alms offering to Buddhist monks and get holy blessing from them for lucks in return and Learn more about Buddhism, monks daily life and enjoy stunning city views of Chiangmai town from the peak of the mountains and listen to the sound of nature surroundings and enjoy the Serene and peace. ( We provide food for Alms offering to monks for you as well ) . After that we continue to visit Wat Phalat, ( A hidden temple to experience Lanna or CNX Architecture. This is a great place for nature lovers. The jungle and waterfalls will help you to relax and release your stressful. before getting back to your hotel in town. This is A fantastic activity to do before YOU LEAVE Chiangmai. A Must Experience in Chiangmai to learn Real Thai Culture. First time i created this early trip in 2012. There are many people thought it was crazy trip. But it is truth ! it is a beautiful crazy trip. Don't miss... Note: This activity will be finished around 8:40-9:00 am.
Annie 带你玩清迈粘性瀑布
The Sticky Waterfalls are located in Mae Taeng area, about 50 minutes from Chiang Mai's old city. Note: Earth temperature water (warm all year round) Free pick-up/drop-off at your hotel in Chiang Mai Old Town. Group discount (5 - 9 pax). No swimming. 2 - 80 years can join. Required: walk (up and down) stairs, and rocks. First, we'll take a quick break at Air Diamond Cafe, where you can grab a cup of coffee, snap some fantastic photos with your friends and family. Then, we'll journey into a cave, where you'll learn about the fascinating history behind the Sticky Waterfalls. Then, we'll visit the sacred spring, where locals believe in its healing properties, and the spirit house for a glimpse into traditional Thai beliefs. Next up, get ready to explore and walk on the famous Sticky Waterfalls! You'll get your heart pumping as you climb rocks, and trek through the surrounding nature. For the ultimate rejuvenating experience, lie down on one of the rocks and let the water rush over you! After our adventure, we'll change into fresh clothes and indulge in an authentic Thai lunch created by a local chef. (Vegetarian and vegan options are available.) Then, we'll say goodbye to this unforgettable experience and head back to the city. Highlights: Air Diamond Cafe, Bua Thong Cave, the sacred spring & the spirit house, explore the Sticky Waterfalls, and Thai lunch.
"For all customers, we provide a convenient pick-up service from their hotels.(Reduce 5 Km from Chiangmai downtown) Our first stop is the local market inside the old city of Chiang Mai, where you'll have the opportunity to learn, touch, and taste all the ingredients and seasonings that make Thai cuisine so special. After this immersive market experience, we'll head back to our cooking school, where a welcome snack awaits before we begin the class. Morning Class Time: 8 am - 1 pm Evening Class Time: 3 pm - 8 pm About the Courses and Activities: Customers can choose one course from each category: Stir-fry (Pad Thai, Pad See Ew, Stir-fry Cashew Nut with Chicken, Stir-fry Holy Basil) Soup (Tom Yum, Chicken in Coconut Milk, Seafood in Coconut Milk, Hot and Sour Chicken) Appetizer (Papaya Salad, Spring Roll, Glass Noodle Salad, Fish Cake) Making Fresh Curry Paste from Scratch Curry (Green Curry, Red Curry, Panang Curry, Yellow Curry) Dessert (Sticky Rice Mango, Pumpkin in Coconut Milk, Water Chestnut in Coconut Milk, Fried Banana) Vegetarian and vegan options are available Our private classes accommodate a maximum of 8 people During the class, we'll guide you step by step through the preparation of five popular and stunning Thai dishes, explaining the herbs and ingredients used in each one. Each participant will have their own cooking and prep station. Please , come hungry!!
Join our ‘Tuk-tuk tour Chiang Mai by Night’ and experience the ‘Rose of the North’ after sunset when the busy city slows down and the temperature is excellent. Take in quiet temples that light up when the sun goes down and stroll around Chiang Mai’s famous bustling night market and satisfy your tasting buds. Enjoy photo stops at Chiang Mai’s most intriguing spots like Wat Phra Singh, Wat Lok Molee and Wat Chedi Luang. Let’s drive the streets to absorb the local atmosphere! Our local guide will tell you interesting stories about the places we pass and about Chiang Mai in general. MEETING POINT: In front of Burger King at Thapae Gate (old city). END: At the Chiang Mai Night Bazaar.
We start the activity with a visit to Doi Suthep Temple, a famous temple in Chiang Mai Province. After that we will hike through Doi Suthep-Pui National Park where I will show you the beautiful, Thai nature. The approximate distance is 9 km to a small, local village where you can try local coffee and food. After that we will walk to the top of Doi Pui which is challenging but provides a beautiful view of the city below and mountainous area. The total distance is 11-13 km and usually takes between 5 - 6 hours and can be adapted based on the group's level. The total experience including transport, temple tour, hiking and lunch are approximately 7 hours. The park is nearby Chiangmai city and I will pick you up from where you are staying in the city and return you there as well. ****During the Fire season (March -April) we will do hiking at Doi Inthanon National Park.****
清迈 - 茵他侬国家公园一日游
On this full day tour we take you to Doi Inthanon, also known as the ‘Roof of Thailand’, the highest point of the country at 2.565 meters above sea level. Visit the King and Queen chedi's, two beautiful pagodas that were built in honor of the former King and Queen of Thailand. These chedis sit atop the mountain, surrounded by beautiful gardens with jaw-dropping views of the valley below. Visit the Wachirathan waterfall, one of the highlights of Doi Inthanon National Park. There’s a colorful rainbow appearing in front of the waterfall every time the sun is shining through the mist which makes it a very photogenic spot. Near the top we will make a short walk amongst the unique flora and forest that grows at this altitude and enjoy the scenery along the easy walking trail. You’ll discover authentic flora and fauna. We also visit the Karen village Baan Mae Klang Luang. Nestled in the stunning mountainous setting of Doi Inthanon, this village is surrounded by green forests, lush rice terraces and coffee fields. You are welcome to sample the locally grown and freshly roasted coffee. IMPORTANT: National Park fee for Doi Inthanon (THB 400 per person), entrance fee for the Twin Pagodas (THB 100 per person) and costs for lunch and drinks (besides a bottle of water) are not included in the price.
这个页面上的中文内容旨在帮助您理解我们的活动形式。在进行活动时我会讲英文,但不要担心我会用简单的英文不会太难懂。摄影教程也可以使用肢体语言。 你有拍过胶片相机吗?那胶片双镜相机呢?如果没有也不用担心,因为这次活动将给你全新的古典体验。本体验将让你用到“禄来柯德”,禄来柯德诞生于1920年的德国高端古典品牌。这品牌相机也曾在《寻找薇薇安·迈尔》电影中出现。想了解胶片相机的朋友们请注意了 可别错过了喔!机会难得 我们会简单了解一下胶片相机,希望这次体验会让你爱上Analog摄影的魅力。 ●首先我会和你们解释古典相机的种类,会看到跟随时间的设计变化。 ●实际体验。你会学习怎么使用“1962年禄来柯德”。我们会先在院子里拍,要注意的是我们只有12张图可以拍。所以尽力发挥喔! ●然后到悟孟寺周边带给你惊喜,这里是当地人住宅同时也是著名的艺术区。我们会边走边拍,可以随意发挥随意取景。 ●最后我会把胶片去冲洗,在一星期时间我会把你们亲手拍的作品发到邮箱。如果你还留在清迈我也会把交卷给你留着,是可以保存100年喔! 请注意本活动不是跟拍活动,我们活动是让你了解并亲自体会胶片相机摄影。如需要我可以帮你拍2-3张。 其他注意事项 以下的中文内容是为了让您明白我们的活动形式。在进行活动时我会讲英文,但不要担心我会用简单的英文不会太难懂。摄影教程也可以使用肢体语言。
Ever wanted to spontaneously book a tour on the same day you take it? This short walking tour around Chiang Mai will have you visiting some of the city’s most famous temples in just two hours! You can also choose from multiple start times for a time that suits you. Explore the following beautiful sites with your friendly TripGuru: Wat Chedi Luang: Built between the 14th and 15th centuries, this impressive and famous temple is known for having the biggest stupa in the city. Besides its towering chedi, Wat Chedi Luang was also once the home of the Emerald Buddha that is now housed in Wat Phra Kaew in Bangkok. Get to see the sprawling compound and striking Lanna-style design up close! Wat Phan Tao: Compared to Wat Chedi Luang, Wat Phan Tao will seem quite humble in size. However, don’t let its size fool you! This small temple is made out of intricately carved teak wood. It was also once a throne hall for King Mahotara Prateth before becoming a dedicated house of prayer. Wat Phra Singh: This stunning and lavish building was built in the 14th century and is known as one of the city’s finest temples. With amazing grounds, acclaimed designs, and a mosaic-inlaid sanctuary, there is much to see and marvel at including the large Lion Buddha statue, gilded pagodas, artistic murals, and historical statues. Starting Times 8.30am, 11.30am, 2.30pm
Anusara 的泰式美食烹饪学校
Our Half day program! - Visiting and shopping at a local market / spend time exploring the fresh ingredients used in class. -Start to pick you up from hotel. (Within 3 Km. from Kom Market) - Settle into Yummy Tasty Cooking School and you will get coffee and drinking water. - Enjoy cooking at your own station and taste splendid hand-cooked dishes. Our class is provided, and you will have a lot of fun. We can teach new techniques that can make you look and feel like a pro. - You will be able to cook 5 dishes. Our instructors will guide you step-by-step through the cooking process and explain to you about the difference in the Thai herbs and seasonings, and what can be substituted when you cook at home. (You will learn how to make a curry paste by Thai traditionally way.) - Depart with a PDF recipe so that you can recreate the dishes you made to impress your family and friends when you return home. Finish the day with a drop off to your hotel. Other things to note Pick up time!! Morning is between 8.45-9.30 a.m. Evening is between 3.15-3.45 p.m. Times are subject to change due to local traffic conditions. Drop off after finished the class to your hotel.