
Sierpe River · 整套民居 · 2室4床2.0卫 · 可住8人 · 游船、参观和工作人员包括: Casa Rio Sierpe

Sierpe River · 整套民居 · 2室4床2.0卫 · 可住8人

Sierpe River整套民居2室4床2.0卫可住8人 · 游船参观和工作人员包括:CasaRioSierpe

5.0分 · 28条评论
房东:Mark28 条评价 · 已通过身份认证

Casa Rio Sierpe是必去之地!在您入住期间,我们为您提供豪华海滨房源,坐落在原始雨林中,景色迷人,可直接前往海滩,配备船只和便利设施;礼宾服务、日常客房清洁、免费导游之旅和船长驾驶! * * ABB上显示的位置不正确。我们位于Sierpe河畔,距离所示位置以北30分钟路程。请在照片部分查看准确位置的卫星照片。* * 房东向旅行者留言(请滚动浏览这些备注,详细介绍Casa Rio Sierpe的体验) ; 1)租用旅行者服务费为预订总费用的10% -20%由房客收取/直接支付给ABB使用ABB平台和服务服务的旅行者。 因此,当通过ABB平台进行预订时,「Casa Rio Sierpe」无法提供折扣或取消此费用。 2) ABB上显示的位置不正确。我们位于Sierpe河畔的Sierpe河上,距离所示地点以北30分钟路程。 查看照片部分准确位置的卫星照片。 关于Casa Rio Sierpe 在您的标准租赁中,我们为房客提供豪华房源的隐私,但提供度假村便利设施;我们的现场工作人员提供高度个性化的服务,定制化的活动和许多免费的包括游览,包括使用围绕我们的房客时间表而设计的船只和船长,而不是典型的旅馆中的团体时间表。 在规划您的度假时,请记住这一点;我们不仅是一个豪华度假屋,而且是一个包容性的度假胜地,因此无需进一步寻找您的度假需求! 您入住期间可享受增值服务、便利设施和免费旅游。 •日常客房保养,包括洗碗 •由我们的英语经理提供全方位的礼宾服务 • 20分钟带船长的船,无限流量使用(房客负责所有船只相关游览的燃料) •从Sierpe出发的往返船只接送服务 •部分免费游览的无线网络 小样 •红树林游船之旅 •自然徒步导 览•野生动物夜间漫步导 览•水上瀑布导览之旅 •皮划艇导览之旅 •全天在船上钓鱼 • Sierpe bocca海滩之旅 •导游带领的Isla小提琴、水果农场/植物园。 根据两位客人的情况,上述游览的零售总节省= $ 950.00 为什么入住Casa Rio Sierpe和Osa半岛? Casa Rio Sierpe位于Osa半岛的北端,沿着Sierpe河岸,距离古老的Sierpe镇约35分钟船程,该镇被认为是通往Osa的大门。 这个地区是该国最偏远、最壮观、最荒凉的地区之一,被《国家地理》称为“地球上生物密集度最高的地方”。 这栋房子位于真正的初级和二级雨林的核心地带,这里有许多野生动物,其中许多濒危或受到威胁。 从房源可欣赏令人惊叹的明信片景观,可直接前往海滩,乘船仅需10分钟即可抵达极其私密、原始的海滩,我们拥有一切! 您想探索哥斯达黎加雨林、野生动物和原始海滩的神奇之处吗? 您是打算在蜜月中度过,还是想重新点燃您的浪漫?您是一个狂热的渔民吗? 在附近地区的淡水和盐水中记录了超过98条线路和钓鱼世界纪录,您一生中一次肯定会拥有这些记录。 也许您是一个积极的探险者,正在寻找一个不间断的、充满肾上腺素的假期,或者您只想在双吊床的后甲板上放松身心,品尝一杯葡萄酒或冷的cerveza ,并观看现代生活中的单调磨砂和压力在您之前融化。 您在度假时是否很难满足每个人的需求?也许您正在寻找浪漫的度假胜地,但其他人想去钓鱼,您想去海滩,其他人想体验热带雨林,为什么只选择一个? 入住CASA RIO SIERPE ,保证实现您最狂野的假期梦想,它将振兴您的头脑、身体和灵魂,为您提供前往世界上最令人着迷和多样化目的地的虚拟后台通行证。 在Casa Rio Sierpe ,您会发现超级私人的豪华住宿和全套服务设施,通常仅在度假村中才能找到,但却能享受私人住宅的舒适和隐私。 我们新建的1800平方英尺的房源完美融合了现代和乡村风格,融合了环太平洋建筑。 这给房源带来了一种优雅的精致,非常独特,当然也是非常科斯塔基式的。坐落在海拔300英尺的高脊线上方的雨林中,可近360度俯瞰周围的雨林、迪基斯河谷和远处三个独特的山脉。 气候新鲜,融合了凉爽的太平洋山脉和海洋空气,遍布整个房屋和地面。 房源每年平均气温为85度,晚上通常是舒适的70-72度,非常适合睡觉! 鉴于家庭的偏远位置,我们完全依赖太阳能作为我们电力的唯一提供者。 尽管如此,我们已尽一切努力确保房客尽享舒适入住体验,确保您永远不会感觉自己在粗暴行事! 我们依靠9个大型吊扇以及房子的设计和位置来保持房客的凉爽。 这栋豪华房源的所有房间均配有全纱布,阳光和凉爽的微风可以遮挡室内空间,但让房客远离喧嚣。 房子正后方有一条修剪良好的小径,步行仅需10分钟即可抵达小的私人瀑布和游泳池。 房源的便利设施包括两间卧室,配备两间全功能卫生间、一个设备齐全的厨房、内部餐厅、酒吧、带标准双人日式床垫的起居室和800平方英尺的有顶甲板。 卧室设有一张标准双人床、大衣橱,可180度欣赏雨林、周围的热带景观和下面的河谷。 超大厨房配备齐全的顶级电器,包括并排冰箱/冰柜、6个带烤箱的燃气灶、反渗透纯净水,当然还有搅拌机! 此外,不用担心洗碗,您正在度假,我们的工作人员也会照顾好这些! 所有这一切肯定会舒缓客人可能拥有的任何烹饪放纵!客厅直接通往600平方英尺的带顶棚的露台,配有吊扇、双吊床、躺椅和摇椅、Webber燃气烧烤架以及可容纳12人的大餐桌。 这里是您日常放松的理想场所,您可以欣赏美景,并结识我们的许多当地邻居。 几乎在任何一天都会看到居民猩红金刚鹦鹉,鹦鹉,巨嘴鸟,蜘蛛,嘈杂的鹦鹉,蜂鸟,松鼠,嚎叫的猴子,白脸卷尾猴,青蛙,蝴蝶和晚上金卡尤斯。 如果你非常幸运,你甚至可以看到濒临灭绝的蜘蛛猴,食蚂蚁者, Tayras ,树懒, Jaguarundi猫,白唇猪和白鼻猪。 Casa Rio Sierpe的位置不仅适合最佳的野生动物观赏,也是从陆地到海洋的各种活动的完美基地,即使是最活跃的度假者也一定会忙碌。 其中许多旅游是免费提供给我们的客人与他们的付费租赁。 当您来拜访我们时,包括一个全职指南和管家,其唯一的工作是使您的假期最难忘,无压力,尽可能自由地工作。 他们将为您提供私人导游服务,携带您的杂货袋,带您钓鱼,打扫房屋,寻找新鲜水果,洗碗,洗衣服,甚至在海滩上为您提供新鲜的椰子饮料。 我们有超过10英里的徒步小径,以及我们的居民现场导游将亲自指导您的几条皮划艇小径,白天或晚上,沿途指出您通常会错过的难以看到的野生动物,并向您介绍有趣的动植物。 如果你想去夜游,没问题,如果你想去一个雨林瀑布,没问题,怎么样让你从森林里得到一些野生香菜,你要做的新鲜酸菜,他们可以这样做。 您想乘皮划艇探索西尔佩河及其支流吗?现场有皮划艇供房客随时使用。 最后,世界上最美丽的河流之一的假期如何才能真正令人难忘,而不能体验那条河的自然美景和奇观,而不能乘船? 包括在您的租金中,我们将为您提供无限制使用20英尺的船只,用于河上和船长驾驶它,您只需对您使用的天然气负责! 只需坐下来,放松身心,让船长开车,开始无数次河上冒险之一,从懒洋洋的日落漂浮物,手里拿着鸡尾酒,到观鸟,当然还有河上钓鱼。 晚餐吃新鲜鲷鱼的声音怎么样?我还提到过,我们拥有该地区最令人惊叹、原始、私人和僻静的海滩之一,乘船仅需15分钟即可抵达? 那么,在原始的僻静海滩上进行赤脚探险怎么样? 该地区还有许多其他旅游项目不包含在租金中,因为它们由独立的旅游公司运营。 这些运营商将直接从房子或我们的私人码头接您,您可以选择以下任何一种;骑马穿过周围的热带雨林,参观科科瓦多国家公园,卡诺岛( Cano Island )直接在海岸附近提供最好的浮潜和潜水,距离哥斯达黎加不到10英里的世界级体育钓鱼,观鲸和更多的旅游,保证让您沉溺于任何太平洋海岸或热带雨林的消遣中。 这栋房子位于高山脊线上,可欣赏壮丽的景色和凉爽的微风,但这也意味着您从码头步行几个街区即可抵达房子,最后还有一座大小不错的山丘。 别担心,我们会将您的行李和用品运送到山上。考虑Casa Rio Sierpe的旅客应该身体健康,更适合那些喜欢冒险和喜欢徒步旅行的人,并且不介意不时弄脏(我们还有热水淋浴和洗衣机)。 *请询问是否适合老年人或体弱者。 在Casa Rio Sierpe ,隐私,和平,宁静以及最重要的是-大自然的辉煌。 我们希望您来参观我们,并发现这个独特的哥斯达黎加保护区的美丽和魅力。



Staying at Casa Rio Sierpe was truly a wonderful experience. The property and surroundings are amazing. Each morning and evening we would sit on the porch watching wildlife. We saw monkeys everyday, along with sloths, toucans, macaws, a tayra and a host of other wildlife. The first part of our trip we stayed in a different part of the country and ate at restaurants, all of which were good, but none compared to Dollys home cooked meals each night. Her dinners were all delicious. Ruben was great in taking us around fishing in the river, hiking and to beaches. We used the concierge service for trips to Cano Island for snorkeling and hiking Corcovado National Park. Both were amazing experiences. We also booked the horseback riding trip which included stopping to swim in the river and for lunch at Dollys home restaurant. This is something I would definitely recommend. Communication with Mark and the concierge were great. I would highly recommend staying here.


It’s difficult to describe how amazing this place is. The house, surroundings, and jungle experience are remarkable. The host instructions truly prepare you for the experience. The staff are outstanding and wonderful at every opportunity. The tours included with this place are personal, off the beaten path, and impressive. We saw 50+ different species of animals in a one week stay and this was mostly in tours included with the place. Myself and my family cannot rave about this experience enough! We will be raving about Dolly’s cooking, our horse trail ride with Rodolfo for a long time. Simone’s help and support made the trip more amazing and Ruben-the best guide you could hope for he will not only guide you but teach you how to experience this beautiful place.


Marc’s place was great. The daily excursions and Dolly’s cooking were fabulous. Rubin was very responsive and attended to all our needs boating requests for excursions such as fishing, mangrove tours, access to playa blanca, etc… The daily walk down the hill to the boat ramp and back up the hill to get back to the casa was difficult though. The large rocky gravel required us to use a walking stick, which was provided, however still difficult. The grade is steep. Once you arrive, the casa is a paradise after a cool shower. We all loved the overall experience. Thanks Mark!


Casa Rio Sierpe is an amazing location just off of the Sierpe River. Mark had a travel agent, concierge, housekeeper and boat captain all available to make our trip as stress free and adventurous as I hoped it would be. We loved being a little remote because tourist towns are not for us and we wanted to experience the real Costa Rica. It was phenomenal. We took the tours we hoped for ( snorkeling, horseback riding and ziplining) and still had the peaceful jungle home to enjoy in the evening. Please thank Dolly for the incredible food! We never would have prepared meals like those on our own! Ruben and his family took great care of us and our experience far exceeded our expectations. The hill to get up to the house is steep and a bit of a challenge, but the privacy was well worth the very short hike to get there. I highly recommend Casa Rio Sierpe for a luxury jungle home with wonderful people to experience Costa Rica.


Very unique and beautiful home and location. The local staff is wonderful and makes the visit a very unique and enjoyable experience. Highly recommend this place!

查看全部 28 条评价


哥斯达黎加, 蓬塔雷纳斯省, Sierpe River

位于哥斯达黎加西南部,是该国最偏远、最壮观和最野性的地区之一。 这是哥斯达黎加最后定居的地方之一--它只有在过去十年内才有道路通道--因此,半岛的大部分地区仍然被宏伟、原始的雨林所覆盖。 奥萨岛上广阔的雨林和沼泽地至少有一半受到科尔科瓦多国家公园和私人保护区的保护。 这里的森林是濒危物种的家园,如贝尔德锥虫、白嘴鹦鹉、美洲鳄鱼和鹰鹰(直到最近才重新看到)。 它拥有国内最大的濒危红色鹦鹉种群,是濒危中美洲松鼠猴极为有限的分布中心。 这个小半岛拥有哥斯达黎加860种鸟类(几乎占世界物种的5% ! )、140种哺乳动物以及117种爬行动物和两栖动物的近一半。 该地区已对近750种树木进行了编目,比世界上所有北部温带地区的树木总数还要多。 令人印象深刻的信
誉!每单位面积,大沙半岛可能拥有地球上最高的自然多样性。 《国家地理》杂志将大沙半岛描述为"地球上生物密集程度最高的地方"。 本描述提及了大沙半岛令人难以置信的丰富野生动物--不仅仅是雨林,而且周围的海洋环境也是如此。 在植物方面,大沙半岛与亚马逊和奥里诺科盆地有着很强的亲和力,其独特的森林所含的植物和动物比中美洲任何其他地区都多。 在气候方面,大萨是哥斯达黎加太平洋海岸最潮湿的地方,每年降雨高达7米。 奥萨半岛的一些里程碑描述如下。
里约西尔佩及其分水岭德基斯河谷将大萨半岛与大陆隔绝。 这条巨大的河流很不寻常,因为它几乎潮汐直至其源头西尔佩泻湖。 里约西尔佩大致可分为两个湿地:上里约西尔佩盆地的洪水森林和其三角洲的广阔红树林沼泽。


您可以通过多种方式从圣何塞的国际机场出发。Sansa航空公司的每日区域航班飞往距Sierpe仅10分钟路程的北帕尔马。 您可以通过多种方式直接开车前往Sierpe ,车程约5小时;租车、私人出租车(单程240.00 )、公共汽车( 15.00pp )、共用出租车或穿梭巴士( 60.00 pp )。 进入Sierpe后,我们会送您到我们的私人船上来接您。



28 条评价


I was born and raised on the west Coast of Florida surrounded by water sports. 'Boat' was my first word (did not make my mom happy)...At the age of 10 we moved to a horse farm in Kentucky where we raised and trained saddle-bred horses. I briefly attended college and then served my country in the United States Marine Corp. I have always had a passion for the outdoors adventure and a love for all wild life, even the really mean ones! I am an avid sailor, hiker, surfer and fisherman. I have had many passions and loves in my life including our two cats but my greatest passion and love is my Cuban American wife. We have been married for almost 10 years! My wife was born and raised in Havana, Cuba. She attended college there and a little over 11 years ago she won a visa to move to the United States. She then moved to Long Beach, California where we met. Like myself, she shares a passion for traveling, outdoor activities, water sports & wild life. She is a good dancer and cook and she's a bit crazy when it comes to collecting sea shells,sand dollars and pretty rocks, she can never have enough! She also enjoys sharing her knowledge with others, specially kids. Her dream is to one day move to Costa Rica and teach English to the kids and adults at the local rural school. We currently live in California on our sailboat. I'm a Yacht Broker and my wife is an executive assistant to the CEO of a large company. We started building this home in 2011 and it is almost finished. Its been a long challenging build with many ups and downs but we are almost done and hope to have the upstairs master bedroom and bath finished latter in 2015. Why the Owner Chose Drake Bay: MY wife and I had plans to sail around the world on our sailboat for 4 years in 2008 but the slow down in the economy changed our plans. We both knew that we wanted a dream home outside of the USA but we weren't sure where. We met another sailor and bought a piece of property from him in Guanacaste, we bought sight unseen in a country that we had never been to, you have to have a little faith sometimes in your fellow man. We fell in love with Costa Rica and we loved Guanacaste enough that we built a small home. But we soon realized that Gunacaste was lacking for us, it was beautiful but not magical enough to build our forever dream home and there were not enough animals either!!!! We wanted to experience the true remoteness and wilderness of the Costa Rican rain forest the way it all used to be in all of her splendor. At the same time we wanted to be close to modern convenience and fellow people (like I said I love all animals even the really mean one's). So we wanted to be secluded in the purest form of nature but not isolated and we wanted to be close to the ocean as well. we soon realized that what we were looking for may no longer exist, it was going to be a difficult search. We found this little piece of paradise by accident, one trip down the river, one look at the view of the rain forest and the mountains, one experience with endangered Spider monkeys swinging over head (I still think the seller trained those monkeys somehow) and we were hooked! And our story continues...




安心房源保障 人工审核所有中国房源信息,入住更安心


专业中文客服 通过客服电话、线上客服、智能客服助手等渠道,为您提供全方位服务


旅行安全保障 多重风险控制设计,全方位保障您的行程安全

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奥霍查尔民宿 · 整套民居 | 奥霍查尔


奥霍查尔民宿 · 整套别墅 | 奥霍查尔


Uvita民宿 · 整套民居 | Uvita

Sana Vida。可前往海滩。定价折扣

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Ciudad Ojochal的民宿
Ciudad Ojochal民宿 · 整套民居 | Ciudad Ojochal


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Osa民宿 · 整套出租单元 | Osa


Osa民宿 · 酒店房间 | Osa

La Colmena Villa Familiar at Natural Drake Bay

Uvita民宿 · 整套公寓 | Uvita

ELAN Casa Mar Tranquilo 3 Br 2.5 Ba ,可前往海滩

