
Kinabalu National Park



November 3, 2019
神山又名京那巴 鲁山 ,距离 亚庇 市区85公里,车程约2小时。2000年被列入世界遗产名录。神山占地754平方公里,神山的最高峰有4095米,是 东南亚 最高的山峰。在土著人心里, 亚庇 所依靠的那连绵起伏的山峦,就是神明所栖息的地方。曾经有外国游客,在神山赤裸拍照而被带到警察局。因此去神山游玩要注意下哦。 神山的自然生态保护得非常完好,从热带植物到寒带植物,在这里都将能看到。很多热爱大自然、爱好登山的游客慕名而来。这里可以赏鸟、赏蝴蝶,运气好你还能亲眼见到红毛猩猩以及全世界最大的花卉——大王花,花朵绽放时对角可以达到45厘米长。
August 18, 2021
Kinabalu Park is Malaysia’s first World Heritage Site. Also the Centre of Plant Diversity for South East Asia, the Park boasts more than 5,000 vascular plant species and has no shortage of fauna as well, being home to some 90 lowland mammal species and many others.
October 24, 2018
Cold environment with beautiful Mount Kinabalu view & it was the highest mountain on the island of Borneo. The Heritage Site was the one of the most important biological sites in the world with more than 4,500 species of flora and fauna, including 326 bird and around 100 mammal species, and over 110 land snail species.
May 17, 2022
Check out the various short walks suitable for family of all ages. An artificial giant Rafflesia is a great photo spot favourited by children.
KK Homez
December 16, 2019
Kinabalu Park (Malay: Taman Kinabalu), established as one of the first national parks of Malaysia in 1964, is Malaysia's first World Heritage Site designated by UNESCO in December 2000 for its "outstanding universal values" and the role as one of the most important biological sites in the world with more than 4,500 species of flora and fauna, including 326 bird and around 100 mammal species,and over 110 land snail species
Kinabalu Park (Malay: Taman Kinabalu), established as one of the first national parks of Malaysia in 1964, is Malaysia's first World Heritage Site designated by UNESCO in December 2000 for its "outstanding universal values" and the role as one of the most important biological sites in the world with…


Kundasang, Sabah