



November 30, 2020
圣索非亚教堂(Aya Sofya),与蓝色清真寺隔街相望,建于东 罗马 皇帝Justinian统治时期,当时拜占庭帝国正处于鼎盛阶段。拜占庭帝国衰落后,圣 索非亚 教堂转变成了供奉安拉的 土耳其 清真寺。圣 索非亚 教堂是属于基督徒和穆罕默德信徒共有的一个宗教博物馆。 作为世界上十大令人向往的教堂之一,圣 索非亚 教堂充分体现出了卓越的建筑艺术,从而也成为了后来伊斯兰清真寺的设计模板。穹顶上方的圣母 玛利亚 怀抱耶稣的壁画散发着金色的光芒。
Georgi Piruze
October 10, 2015
Biggest Orthodox Christian Church
February 19, 2022
The Church of Saint Sophia is one of the most important Monument of North Macedonia housing architecture and art from Middle Ages
July 15, 2016
The Church of St. Sophia is located in the old part of Ohrid. The church is one of the most important monuments of Macedonia, housing architecture and art from the Middle Ages. The church was built during the First Bulgarian Empire, after the official conversion to Christianity. It was subsequently converted into a mosque during the rule of the Ottoman Empire. The interior of the church has been preserved with frescoes from the 11th, 12th and 13th century, which represent some of the most significant achievements in Byzantine painting of the time. The main part of the church was built in the 11th century, while external additions were built by Archbishop Gregory II in the 14th century.
The Church of St. Sophia is located in the old part of Ohrid. The church is one of the most important monuments of Macedonia, housing architecture and art from the Middle Ages. The church was built during the First Bulgarian Empire, after the official conversion to Christianity. It was subseque…
September 11, 2018
One of the oldest churches in Ohrid.


88 Цар Самоил
Ohrid, Municipality of Ohrid